Friday, April 30, 2010

Works hard for the money....

Things I hate about work today.

1) Foot odor. Bad foot odor. The foot odor that smells like rotten cheese and mushrooms mixed with high school locker room.
2) Crazy people that talk to themselves, loudly and incoherently. Although the singing off key and the occasional "WHOOOOO!"s do keep things lively.
3) The fact the even though the bossy, know it all coworker is off today, her evil shadow still lingers and permeates everything.
4) Demands that take several steps to complete, even though they are demanded RIGHT NOW! Or actually, the people that make those demands.
5) The cafeteria food. The ranch dressing was off. Way off. Someone needs to look into that.
6) The fact that certain male coworkers are not required to wear tight, revealing clothing that would accentuate their already luscious musclecatures.
7) The Internet blocker here at work STILL blocks the Palace. But thankfully not Blogger itself.
8) Having to get to work by 8:00am. This is actually not a hate just from today, but rather, it's something I hate EVERY workday.
9) No drinking on the job. Man, I could use a bottle of LaBatts right about now.
10) There's not a Leave At Noon On Fridays policy. And there damn well should be.



Anonymous said...

I've had two jobs where alcohol figured in rather prominently.

One the AG's office. Those people can DRINK!

The other a startup company that kept a supply of beers and ales in the fridge for employees.

Tam said...

We do drink at work on occasion. Not regularly but once a month or so or after a big project is finished we have TGIF's. Just some wine or beer and snacks around 4:00 on a Friday. I'll be honest, 5 years ago it was a lot more often and a lot more of it. We're getting boring these days.

Oh I brought a blender once and we had margaritas. I think it was someone's birthday. Trust me, it helps.

Some days staying home in bed was really the way to go.

Ryan said...

1. I had to deal with non-foot odors for the first three months after I started two years ago. Noxious smells are hard to ignore.

2. I'm guilty of doing things like this, but I tend not to do them when I'm sharing office space.

4. I hate competing urgent demands.

5. Cafeteria food sucks. The only reason I go is because the only other places within a short walking distance are another crappy cafeteria and an expensive restaurant.

6. My office sits between campus and one of the two safest routes down the cliffs to the beach, so I get to see a lot of undergrad surfers and beachgoers.

9. Our policy is that drinking is okay as long as it doesn't interfere with work. We don't take advantage of this too often, but we have enjoyed one of my coworker's home brews from time to time.