Thursday, April 29, 2010

Never thought you'd make mistakes like this...

Senate Republicans continue their obstuctionist ways and filibuster three attempts to simply start debate, not to actually VOTE on, but just start debate on, a banking regulation bill. They eventually caved when they realized it wasn't politically beneficial to be seen as defending the big financial institutions that caused the economic implosion two years ago.

The wingnuts of the Republican Party in Florida chase the popular Republican governor out of their party and into running as an independent for Senate because he's not 'Republican' enough. They prefer the Tea Party candidate. So now, the Republican votes for Senate will be split between two candidates while the Democratic votes should all go to one candidate.

And with a 100 mile long oil slick drifting it's way towards Louisiana and being just three miles away from land, I gotta ask: How's the whole Drill, Baby, Drill thing working out for ya, Miss Hockey Mom? *WINK* Seriously, can people now see what was wrong with Palin's whole schtick? Well, no, those who NEED to see that, won't, because they ignore anything, no matter how factual or obvious, that doesn't jive with the way they think.

So, with all this going on right now, just how upsetting must it be to be a Republican?


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