Sunday, March 04, 2007

Always the last bitch to get paid...

The fact that Ann Coulter would say something like this in public is not a suprise. Don't forget, she's the one who said the widows of the 911 victims were "Enjoying" thier status as widows just because they DARED to criticize the Bush administration. Saying outrageous things that make her look sad and pathetic, even though she thinks she looks witty and urbane, is her stock in trade.

No, the comments don't surprise me. What surprises me is the smattering of applause from the crowd. Yes, there are gasps and expressions of shock, as there should be, but there is also an alarming amount of applause from the audience, who also knew they were on being recorded. Of course, this IS the American Conservative Union, a group not known for their compassion, diveristy or tolerance. Still, the applause is disturbing.

I wonder if had used 'nigger' in refering to Obama or 'kyke' in refering to, say, Lieberman if there would have been any applause at all. Those words are taboo, but in some quarters, derising gays, using faggots and queers, and homophobia are all still alive and well. I guess we should in some ways, thank Miss (and I use that word loosely) Coulter for showing, or rather, allowing the members of the ACU to show, their real prejudgices for all to see.


"How old are you?" "23." "I have t-shirts older than you." - Prime


Anonymous said...

Pretty horrific show. She is really a bigot, and everyone now knows it. It is obvious we have a long way to go when it comes to demanding civility from the far right.


Anonymous said...

I upchucked my dinner just seeing Madame Coulter. Hearing her diatribe made me wish the sh*t for brains was tied to a pole on the corner near the Castro Theatre in San Francisco. I'd be there selling tomatoes and rotten eggs. The conservatives do appreciate making an honest dollar ;)

Truthspew said...

Coulter is a horses ass, no doubt about that.

Some time back I saw a video where one of the audience members rebutted one of Coulter's blatherings.

The character assassination that followed was completely appalling. Coulter tore into that girl. If Coulter ever did that to me, they'd be arresting me for second degree murder.

I wonder why people even pay attention to her anymore. She keeps beating the same dead horse.