Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Too much information for my head (Part 33)...

As always this comes from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. What is your favorite charity? Do you you give your time or just money to that charity? I have money taken out of my paycheck each week for the local Hospice people. I have donated to AIDS charities in the past.
2. Describe your bed. What side do you sleep on? It's a king sized, four poster bed. It's big, it's soft, and it's unmade...kinda like me. And I sleep on the right hand side, as you lay on it, cause that's where the light, alarm and bathroom door is.
3. How important is a partners kissing ability? Oh VERY important. A good kissing session can last hours. Even the best sex session rarely does.
4. Have you ever purposely tried to seduce someone over a long period of time? I don't think so, I'm too impatient.
5. Top or bottom? Oh, top. Definately top!
Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever shaved your pubic hair? Numerous times, actually.


This is the computer station. I love it! this is just a porn recepticle, isn't it? - Thom, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Truthspew said...

So I see we're both members of that exceedingly rare club, being tops.

And as to the bed - king size here as well. Except this one is a full motion waterbed thats kept nice and warm in the winter. Almost time to turn the heater off.

Professor Fate said...

Happy answers fo a happy TMI

Anonymous said...

Neat answers. I checked out a few other posts too, interesting blog you have. Have a good one. :)

LadyXandria said...

Kissing is very crucial. For me it can make or break a potential partner. Happy TMI Tuesday!

Px said...

hey dude
liking the answers :)
take it easy :)

Craig said...

At last! I finally know the answer to the age old question: Top or Bottom? I can now sleep well at night. But you incorrectly spelt "Definitely", so I'm afraid you're no longer allowed to top me.