Sunday, March 25, 2007

And they called it, puppy love...

So afternoon, I went to my friends house. They got a new puppy! He's an Australian herding dog (is that the correct name of the breed?), and his name is Porthos. He's about 7 weeks old, I think they said, but they've had him since Wendesday. he is just THE cutest thing you can imagine! had tons of energy, and was running all over the house and romping all over th couch and me, but I loved it. I am definitely a dog person!

I did not have my camera with me (this time) so i couldn't get a photo of him, BUT I found a photo of some puppies online. Really cute, eh? And so cuddly!

Oh, and the dogs are pretty adorable too, right?


Well this is bad on so many levels. - Sam Seaborn, The West Wing

1 comment:

LadyXandria said...

*sigh* A hottie with a puppy in each hand? I would sooo do him.