Friday, March 23, 2007

Hit my wisdom tooth, spit it out...

Freddie, my boyfriend, had two wisdom teeth out today. It was just with novocaine, he was not put under. They had to use "big needles" and give him like 12 shots. He was "freaking out" cause Freddie and needles do NOT get along well. Anyway, the upper tooth popped right out. The lower one was partially impacted, so they had to saw the tooth into 4 parts and pull them out seperately. And one of the roots was curved and in the bone, so that one was a bit of a problem to get out. Freddie was in the chair for about an hour and a half.

The upside was, along with a dentist, was an intern working on him as well. And said intern was apparently pretty cute. When he smiled, Freddie trembled (or at least that's what the sound he was making sounded like). And the intern kept talking to Freddie, which somewhat distracted him. At least that wasn't so bad.

Now he's got some Vicadins to take, as well as something a bit less strong when they wear out. And he can't have any real food until like Monday or so. (And he's expected to go back to school Sunday evening) And can't lay down and rest because he has to stay sitting up until it stops bleeding. And he's got a mouth full of bloody gauze, which of course, he'll have to change on occasion. Despite all this, he sounded well on the phone, but that's probably because the novocaine hadn't worn off yet. As the dentist told him, he's going to have a rough night.

So, if anyone would like to offer thier condolences, you can do so in the comment section. I'm sure he's appreciate them. Love ya, sweetie.


If you are not outraged, you have not been paying attention.


Ag said...

Awww Freddie Auntie Ag is here if you need anything.

Hugs and gentle Kisses

Anonymous said...

Oh Freddie, I wish you were in Polts arms. He knows how to make you feel better. I was told I needed my wisdom teeth out about 20 years ago but I still have them. My philosophy is if it ain't broke don't fix it. Gargle with Salt water and it will help stop the bleeding. Hugs and well wishes Freddie Bear, you'll be eating Corn on the cob and other similarly shaped things before you know it;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Freddie ...... hope you are feeling better. Double up on the vicodin, and then call the doctor for more. Always worked for me.
