Sunday, March 18, 2007

Looking like a baby picture of you...

Freddie has spent the last week at home, around Albany, on Spring Break. (Spring Break...*sigh* to be young again and GET a Spring Break). Not having the best of times, as he's had a cold early on, later in the week he found out he needs his wisdom teeth out next week, got 20 inches of snow on Friday, the friend he was gonna hang out with went to Canada (can't blame her for that, certainly), and his family has been grating on his family is known to do when you're 19 and back at home on your first Spring Break from college and you're tired of and have no patience for everything that reminds you of your prior life before college. Yeah, I remember this feeling too.

In addition, he was in the local bar that has gay karoke nights when his high school Spanish teacher came in with her husband and ran up to him yelling his name and planting a kiss on his lips. Her husband was apparently not too thrilled. And she started to talk to him incessantly, despite the awkwardness...although considering how drunk she was, maybe she didn't notice any awkwardness. She got up to sing karoke later and yelled into the microphone, "Where's Fred?" And upon timidly raising his hand, she shrieked "Fred is my FAN!" and proceeded to sing some song...and not terribly well. Again, probably the alcohol had something to do with it. And later still, he was outed to her by a guy Freddie knows there. Which probably wasn't that big of a deal because of 1)the aforementioned drunkedness, and 2) one of Freddie's friends who had Spanish with him, informed him that she knew Freddie was gay almost from the very start. Apparently, he didn't hide it well. He also got a rather brazen offer of a blowjob, but "not here, I can't do anything HERE, but we can go to my place!" It wasn't explicitedly said, but I think alcohol was involved in this little scene as well. Freddie, smart boy that he is, turned that down.

See, and you people thought you had drama in YOUR lives!

Anyway, Freddie sent me a few baby photos of his, and this one just cracks my up and makes me smile all at the same time.

It's the gleam in his eye and hint of a smirk. It's just so adorable...just like him!


There are only two things that stop government from doing anything: money and politics. - Josh Lyman, The West Wing


Truthspew said...

Tell Freddie that he had best see an oral surgeon, particularly if his wisdom teeth are impacted.

I had my impacted wisdom teeth out at 41 years old. It was a total bitch, let me tell you. Triggered off so many little side issues. I had the wisdom teeth out in September and was just back to normal in January.

So tell Freddie that he should insist on IV sedation, and see that oral surgeon.

Anonymous said...

just think, when he was this were what....26, 27?
I kid becasue I love :)