Monday, July 27, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 208)...

Chapter 7, Page 26...

Im not sure exactly when I got up and out of bed, 9:00 am maybe?  I put on some clothes and went to Rutters for breakfast and coffee, and ate it here at home while I read the paper. Then I got online for a bit, and then I did a load of laundry.  I read quite a bit throughout the day as well.

Later in the morning, I got a shower.  And then about 1;00pm, I think, I made pasta and meatballs for lunch.  Then I putzed around here some more, doing mainly reading.  I had something I had to mail, and so, even though it was 95 degrees out, I decided to walk it over.  And did.

It was hot out, but the humidity was nearly gone, and there was a breeze, so it didn't seem so bad.  Mom had called before I left, she wanted me to help her take some things to the basement.  So I made a detour to her place, helped her, and then walked back to The Waynesburger.  Got some food to go and continued on home.

I was so hot and sweaty, when I got home, the first thing I did was take a shower.  Then I came downstairs and ate the food.  Mom showed up at bit later to get the Sunday paper to take home to read.  Other than that, i spent the time reading and online.  I also caught the last half of "Twelve Angry Men" on TV.  Love that movie.  Anyway, after that I went to bed, read and then to sleep.

Blood Sugar Level: 152


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