Sunday, November 25, 2007

The final countdown begun, three, two, one...

I just sat here and watched that purple countdown thingee at the top count down from 5 minutes, 26 seconds to zero.

It was like watching the countdown to Armageddon. Or the countdown on New Years Eve. Either way, I'd regert the things not done.

I won't actually offically be 40 until 1:59 pm this afternoon. So, technically, I've still got a bit under 14 hours left in my 30's....

It's only an 8 hour drive to Toronto...............


Listening to "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse


Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday.

Don't worry about turning 40...we both know that you have the heart of someone much younger than that.

You are the bees knees.


tornwordo said...

Happy 40th buddy! Hope you celebrated in proper fashion.

jimm said...

happy birthday dude! and wishing you many more to cum!