Tuesday, November 06, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 66)...

TMI Tuesdays
1. Do you believe in ghost? If so have you every seen one? I don't believe in ghosts. I believe in people with over-active imaginations.
2. What’s the scariest movie you ever saw? Fahrenheit 911, hands down, cause it exposed everything the Bushies were doing. What's even scarier, is that Bush got re-elected!
3. If you were given a house that was free would you accept it if it was haunted? Well, since I dont really believe in hauntings, per se, sure I'd take the free house.
4. If you were given a house that was free would you accept it if the last person had been murdered in it? The apartment I live in now had a previous tenant who was murdered while she was living here, but not IN the apartment...so I guess that's not the same. If I was given the house, sure. I don't know that I'd rent a place where someone was killed, not because of ghosts, but just because that sounds creepy to me.
5. What was your most favorite costume you wore for Halloween? The Floor Of A Movie Theater was probably the best. Althought the Jewish Grandmother was quite a hit as well.
Bonus (as in optional): What’s your most memorable Halloween memory? Getting drunk at the Halloween party and hitting on the hosts younger, college agedbrother. Had him sitting in my lap, rubbing his back. Even helped put him to bed, he too was so drunk. BUt since I had had too much as well, and after that, we just left.


Listening to the winds blow outside.


Bunny said...

Movie Theater floor is such a great costume idea . . . you should repost the picture, cuz it was that cool.

Great answers ~ Happy TMI!

Sexy Duet said...

I'm with Bunny, loved the Movie Theatre Floor costume!