Thursday, November 08, 2007

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 82)...

Once more, its time for...

You know, there was a time, only a few years ago in fact, that Uncle Polt was quite derisive of people with cell phones. I considered them people who thought they were better than others, people who felt the need to ALWAYS be in touch with someone else, people who were stupid and sloppy in their driving whilst talking on cell phones, and were loud and obnoxious while talking on them in the line at the market, or store, or mall, or where ever. I often said there is absolutely NO time or place in my life where I absolutely HAVE to have a way for someone to contact me. I looked down on cellphone users as people who were slaves to the latest trend, yet one more thing Americans were sold into buying when in fact, it was not needed.

Now, however, I wonder how I ever got along without one. I in fact only have a cellphone, since I got my cable modem, there was no need for a house phone, and I got rid of it. I still try not to talk whilst driving, or in the stores or malls, and there are still times when I turn it off, or down, when I want some solitude. but it is just such a convience, I can't get along without having one.

Of course, i can still look down on some cellphone users, if I wish. Like people who use thier phone as a calendar/iPod/internet access/video camera/photo camera/etc/etc/etc. I use mine only to talk.

Plus, the phone I have flips open, like the communicator on the original Star Trek, and that appeals to the Star Trek geek in me.

To check out what other people posted this week, click on the HNT button in my sidebar.


Listening to "Goodbye Horses" by Psyche


lime said...

well, it seems there is intelligent and sensible life here!

i avoided them for a long time too. but now i am hooked.


Vixen said...

You look so like smart ;)

happyHNT xo

T - Another Geek Girl said...

It's weird how those things just seem to grow on you. Now I have one permanently attached and I can't get it off.

I can't stand talking to someone who is sitting there texting or playing when I'm talking to them. That happened at work the other day. In a business meeting. The boss finally just stopped everything so the guy could finish his text message. Much to his embarrassment. *snicker


The Ethical Slut said...

Okay I admit to being one of those calender/email/palm/phone people with my Moto Q. HOWEVER - I am a woman with a small purse. What else would I do????


rob said...

I can beat that. I only use mine 4 txting, not even 4 talking.

Nice to see someone using "whilst" appropriately - did you go to a good school?


SignGurl said...

You will eventually embrace the other features, even if you fight it.

I love how your lips are pursed, like you are intensely talking to someone.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!

S said...

I have a cell phone now. I have to ask Little Rita how to use it, over and over.
Im learning though.

Yes the pink polka dotted gods are aroused and incensed! Beware!

TK Kerouac said...

Is it attached to your ear?
Happy HNT!

Bunny said...

Excellent cellie pic!

I've had a cell since the early 90's because it was necessary for my job (when I was still practicing law) and I always hated them. I almost never used it for personal calls (just ordering pizza on my way home for work - lol) and would even turn it off a lot when traveling for work because I just didn't want to talk to anyone.

Now I can't live without it. But I use it for calls and texting - that's it. I used to look down on text messaging, but it's cheaper than talking and can be a fun way to flirt and stay in touch. I still don't get the internet access/camera/etc thing either though. But give it time.

My toddler can identify more than half the characters on the bridge of the original ST series at age 2 - go baby girl!


Anonymous said...

I don't own a cellphone. I guess I am not cool.
