Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 72)...


1. Have you ever met a fellow blogger in person? Not that I recall. Last year in Toronto, we tried to get together with one, but our schedules couldn't be worked out.
2. Did you ever play an innocent game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"? How old where you? Sure did! that worked up through my early teens.
3. When did you get your first not so innocent kiss? I don't recall the first not-so-innocent kiss, but it was probably with Kathy, a girl I went to the prom with in high school. We fooled around a bit. Later, at the 5 year reunion, we both told the other we were gay. Did we laugh.
3a.If your partners are no longer of the opposite sex, when did you get that first kiss? I don't recall the exact time on this one either, but it had to be Jeff, my first regular 'partner' back in high school.
4. Have you ever awoke with someone who's name you did not remember? I'm pretty sure that if I spent the night with them, I knew their name, at least at that time. Don't ask me to remember them all now.
5. Have you ever let someone else wash you while you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself? Hell yeah. Showers for two are quite fun, dontcha think?
Bonus (as in optional): What makes a great first date for you? One that ends with us both being hot, sweaty and exhausted after decadent, toe-curling, wake-the-neighbors sex.

POLT Oil: 92.25 (-2.37); Gas: 3.16 (+.01)

Listening to "Getting Away With It" by Electronic


Bunny said...

LOL @ you and Kathy both being gay! How ironic!

Happy TMI!

Anonymous said...

Great story about you and Kathy!!!

Happy TMI