Monday, November 26, 2007

I am not your autumn moon, I am the highway...

Ya know, autumn has always been my favorite season. Has been since I was a kid. but this year, well autumn sucks.

Let's see what's happened. Well, this autumn I did not get back to Toronto, dad died, I broke up with my boyfriend, and I turned 40.

COME on, Winter! Don't delay!


Listening to the Steelers-Dolphins game


Truthspew said...

I'm more a spring and summer person. Hate fall and winter since I hate the cold and snow and ice.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Polt! Sorry I was late. I've been studying for finals but that is a poor excuse between friends. Sorry to hear about how your life has turned south. Things will get better. I hear Toronto is lovely in the Spring. There are several hot young men there just waiting to feel a piece of Polt. Hugs.

S said...

Hey Polty, first of all let me say Happy Birthday again! I do not want to forget to tell you that Rufus is playing over there in your neck of the woods around Christmas.

He is touring Europe for now, but will be back for the holidays. He is performing in Stroudsberg and Yonkers. What a trip if you could check him out. I swear if I wasnt off to India id be tempted.

Happy Happy Happy BIrthday, I know it hasnt been such a hot month, but....its gonna be ok Polty!

m_o_o_nspells said...

You're having kinda the same fall I was having last year...I won't tell you it gets better 'cause I know people mean well but I also know that I didn't want to hear that.
I'm thinking about you and if you want to chat, drop me a line sometime.