Monday, November 12, 2007

Through the wire we push out tailormade speeches...

Yesterday was Veterans Day. Traditionally, the President places a wreath at the Tomb Of The Unknowns, and gives a speech. Yesterday, Bushie spent the day in Crawford Texas in the middle of a 5 day vacation. He left Dick to make the speech and place the wreath.

This is the man who sent all these guys and gals over to Iraq to fight and die based on lies. He can't even bother to take the time to fly back to DC to honor the veterans. And he's got his own means of transportation, ya know? It surely couldn't have taken more than half a day for him to fly back, get driven to the ceremony, made the speech, presented the wreath, was driven back to the airport and flown back.

But no, Bushie thought it better to go to an American Legion in Waco Texas and give a speech there. And people claim HE supports the troops????


Listening to "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse


Stephen R. said...

Perfect post and horribly true.

Bunny said...

Totally agree with you on this one. Totally.