Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chili bowl!, yihaa!, respect to the man...

Today I had to get bloodwork done first thing, so no eating last night after 7:00...ick. This morning, after the blood-letting, I was off to Denny's and therein enjoyed a Do-It-Yourself Slam for $5.99 (four items of your choice). So, while reading my Washington Post and sipping orange juice and milk (in seperate glasses, I'm not a heathen), I had scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast and sausage.

And then, my day went to culinary hell.

For lunch at work they served chili, rice and cornbread. Sometimes, this can be tasty. This time, however, was not one of those times. And then Mom calls in the afternoon and invites me over for supper. She had just made a brand new batch of Mama Polt's Homemade Chili, which was delicious. But after the lunch I had, and two (!) bowls of her chili, well, let's just say everyone out there should be damn glad they do NOT live with me.

I can feel the acid relflux hitting already, and I've not laid down in bed yet. *SIGH*, why do I do things like this to myself? Why does she have to be such a damn good cook?

POLT Listening to "Where Do I Begin?" by The Chemical Brothers

A small-business owner's outlook is improved when there's a new product available that says, gosh, I'm meeting the needs of my employees and also being able to better control costs. - George W. Bush


Anonymous said...

I love homemade chili, it is so good! I could eat it everday for a week. We put onions, cheese and sour creme in ours, along with crackers, yummy.


Anonymous said...

I make a mean chili. I'm a heathen too, I use meat AND beans.

That said, you were off for bloodwork and you still ate chili afterword.

I'm finding my eating habits changing ever since I took the new job. First off I get a lot more exercise.

But since we do nutritional scoring I know what foods score well and which (like chili) score worse.

Real eye opener.

tornwordo said...

Except for the milk, I'd have ordered the exact same thing. I bet you were gagging yourself with those flatulations.