Monday, November 10, 2008

Had to send my christmas cards, i had to...

Every year, I'm pretty obsessive about my Christmas cards. I fill them out while I watch the Dallas Cowboys play on Thanksgiving afternoon, and then I mail them December 1st. Usually, mine is the first Christmas card people get...which is really quite ironic since I'm so terribly late with birthday/anniversary cards throughout the year (my cousin Lexi has yet to recieve a birthday card from me for her birthday October 5. But I digress...)

The day after Christmas every year, I venture to the local Target, fight my way through the crowd to the back of the store where the Christmas stuff is half off and buy two packages of the same card for use the following year. Those particular cards go to family members, co-workers, some friends.

But then, there's those other friends. These are the friends that not only know I'm gay, but with whom I've discussed being gay, or joked with about being gay, or taken to the gay bar for a drag show, or watched Queer As Folk with...or ALL of the above. These friends deserve, in my opinion, something special, something more than just a regular Christmas Card. These friends get the...GAY Christmas cards! One year, the front of the card had a series of naked guy showing their backsides with "Merry Christmas" spelled out on their asscheeks. Another year, it was a sparkly rainbow colored Christmas ball hanging on the tree. Another year, it was a Joe Phillips cartoon of a hunky, muscular daddy-type Santa next to a tree and a college-aged twinkie boy in jammies with feet and the back panel open saying something about Santa having presents for good boys or something like that (really, I found it more comical and naughty than dirty or erotic).
Some of these friends have, perhaps, been....less than enthusiastic about recieving these cards, complaining that they can't put on the mantle with the other cards, or hang them on the fridge or what have you, but then, that's the price of being a friend of Polt....and besides, it's an HONOR to be selected to recieve one of those cards.

At ANY rate, the reason I'm even posting about this is that I get those cards from the Lambda Rising bookstore in DC, and I needed to get there before Thanksgiving Day. I hate taking trips alone, so this past Sunday, I went to DC, dragging A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking along with me. There are a few photos to be posted as well as the whole day to be posted about, but I'll do all that in a forthcoming post. Just suffice it to say, we visiting a museum, saw the Captiol and White House up close (although not as close as we would have liked), walked all OVER DC, had incredible hamburgers in the gay ghetto along 17th Street, shopped in a few bookstores around DuPont, I got my cards, and a fun, albeit tiring, time was had by all.

More later.

POLT Listening to "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane

My tongue is numb because I used desensitizing Anal-Eze! - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day and fun. Kudos.
