Monday, November 17, 2008

Spinning his own wheel, quantum strings within my brain...

Saturday night, Ghostie, A Local Celebrity Mr. David ParisPeking and I went to see Quantum Of Solace, the new James Bond film.

Let me first say, that I've decied I'm no longer allowed to get to the theater by myself. I arrived before the other two, and bought my ticket early. A ticket to the 7:15 showing...when we were planning on going to the 5:45 showing. Luckily I discovered it, and had no problems getting it changed. But then I decided to walk through the adjoining mall for a bit until they arrived. I approached the doors, watching all the time a cute Goth-esque kid in extremely tight black jeans, his fingernails painted black and his black hair cascading out from under a tuque down over his procelian-skinned face, and pushed on the door...only to loudly slam into it, as those particular doors were pulled in from my side. Yeah, so after those things, I decided I wasn't allowed to arrive at the theater alone again.

The movie itself wasn't bad. I mean it wasn't a great Bond flick, but I mean it's pretty impossible to top Goldfinger. This one, though, wasn't even an For Your Eyes Only. However, it was entertaining. There were car chases and boat chases and airplane chases, which, while exciting, seem to signal an Americanization of the Bond films (it just reminds me of that ridiculous scene from A View To Kill involving a fire truck through the streets of San Francisco).

There was lots of beautiful scenery...and I don't mean just a shirtless Daniel Craig (although there was a bit of that too, thankfully). The movie went from Italy to England to Haiti to Austria back to Italy to Bolivia to Russia, and there was great photography throughout. Oh, and some of the badguys henchmen in Haiti were pretty freakin hot and sexy too. Just sayin'...

I did like how the main Bond girl wasn't a weak simpering thing that needed rescuing all the time. She held her own, doing pretty damn well in a pretty damn vicious fight. And come to think of it, she DID need saving by Bond, but not because she was a 'weak girl', but because of some issues that played out quite well with what we knew about her. I mean, her needing rescued made sense for what we knew of the character, and wasn't gratuitous. And Dame Judi Densch is outstanding as always.

As for the plot...well, honestly, I was a bit lost at times. I'm still not sure if the main thing was revenge for James or stopping some South American shannigans, or something a nefarious organization to rival SPECTRE from the early Bond films. But, honestly, have Bond films ever been about the plot, really?

I'd recommend it, if someone is inclinded to see it. I'm not raving about it, cause if Bond-type films aren't your thing, I doubt you'll enjoy it. But if you think you might interested, then go ahead and go. Some of the scenes are better seen on the big screen rather than on TV via Netflix or what have you.

Afterwards, the three of us went to TIGFridays and discussed the issues of the day. Had a good time there, with a great waitress. She was hiLARious!

Oh, and I never imagined I could have so much fun trying to find ways to inject the phrase "schtupping Barbara Bush" into conversation, but I must say, it's become my favorite phrase now.

POLT Listening to "Take Me To The River" by The Talking Heads Oil: 55.04 (-1.41); Gas: 2.06 (-.03)

Where did we learn everything that's important to us? With friends, at parties and in bed. - Julian, Nico & Dani

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try to see it this weekend. I like Daniel Craig as 007!