Sunday, November 02, 2008

We'll be, you'll see, we'll be like thelma and louise...

Last night, mom called me and asked if I could watch Angel today and tomorrow. A friend of her's, Caroline, has a son who, on Saturday, fell 30 feet and was in the hospital. Caroline wanted to go see him, but he lives in North Carolina, and she didn't want to make the 5 and a half hour drive alone. So she asked mom along. And since I said I could take care of the dog, at 7:00 am today, less than 12 hours after being asked, mom was on her way to North Carolina with Caroline.

I'm glad that she's retired and in good health so that she can do things spontaneously like this. There's not doubt she's the type of person that would do this if asked, I mean Mama Polt IS a saint, I'm just glad that she can do it.

She called me about 2:00 to let me know they had made it okay. They're leaving tomorrow to come back home, but I don't know when. I do know the Angel aka The Poopinator, misses her already. And I just mom and Caroline do NOT end up like Thelma and Louise!

POLT Listening to "Groove Is In The Heart" by Dee-Lite

Forget it, I am NOT living with a breeder! - Warren, Kiss Me, Guido

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pic is more like thema and matthew... Mathew is cute.
