Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President-elect Obama, Vice-President-elect Biden's over.

I am, obviously, extremely pleased and relived. I'm optimistic, and excited about the future, for the first time since, probably 1995.

McCain's concession speech was gracious and called for healing and going forward as a nation. Despite the fact I didn't want McCain to win, despite all the bad decisions he made during the campaign, and some of the tacky (to say the least) tactics he used, McCain really is a class act in the end. And his speech proved it. Unfortunately, the response of some in the crowd showed the worst side of the Republican party.

Obama....President Obama. Wow, whoda thunk it? It's not quite sunk in yet. And as amazing and historic as it is for me, I can only imagine how emotional it must be for the black Americans out there.

Ironic, isn't it, that the state that housed the capitol of the Confederacy, voted to put a black man in the White House.

Ya know, I remember last summer, telling a friend of mine that I was supporting Edwards because the country might elect a woman, but they'd never elect Hillary and this country is nowhere NEAR ready to elect a black man president.

I have never in my life been so very thankful that I was totally and completely wrong.

POLT Listening to the MSNBC election wrap up

I knew there was something special about you, and I'm not saying that just because you're a whore. - Carl, AquaTeenHungerForce


lime said...

i haven't yet watched mccain's speech but i was impressed with obama's. it was also very gracious.

Anonymous said...

I knew the donkeys could beat the Heffalumps. Go Donkeys!

Eeyore - your favorite light saber wielding Jedi

Anonymous said...

I was also impressed with McCain's speech, he is a true statesman and a stalwart American. I only hope that the republican heard it and took it to heart.
