Monday, November 03, 2008

Make it work...

Anyone who loves Project Runway, and politics, as much as I do, MUST go HERE! It's Tim Gunn, reviewing the Presidential figures in this year's contests. And he does it in classic Tim Gunn style.

About Sarah Palin's one outfit he says, "The boot! What's with that boot?" "Is it Vice-Presidential candidate-a-go-go?" "I fundamentally don't understand it." I'm with ya, brother. But he takes on her, Chelsea, Hillary, McCain, Cindy, Obama, Michelle, Joe Biden, he's takes on them all.

Credit to Stephen for posting the link on his blog first.

POLT Listening to "Diesel Power" by the Prodigy Oil: 63.81 (-3.67); Gas: 2.46 (-.03)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +7.4
"He's a heterophobe" "It's true, he is." "It's true, I am." - Brian, Queer As Folk

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