Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Your proposition meets opposition like contradictions...

So, it's been a week, and despite my unabated joy at Obama's election, I still can not wrap my mind around Prop 8 passing in California. I truly can not understand people voting to enshrine discrimination in their state Constitution.

I have to wonder, if, instead of reading that marriage had to be between a man and a woman, it had read that marriages could only be black to black or white to white, or if it read that only Jews could marry Jews and only Protestants could marry Protestants, would it have passed? I sincerely doubt it.

And those against gay marriage claim being gay is choice and we shouldn't sanction marriage between them, BUT, your religion is a choice, everyone chooses what religion to be, and yet we'd never THINK of denying someone of one religion from marrying someone of another religion. Can the hypocracy be any clearer?

Well, all I can do is shrug my shoulders and know that 40 years from now, gay marriage will be as commonplace as any other kind of marriage and no one will bat an eye. Disagree? just remember that 40 years ago, it was still illegal for blacks and whites to marry in many places in the South. And now, no one bats an eye. Indeed, our incoming president is a product of such a marriage.

Despite setbacks, like the approval of Prop 8, the history of America is one of increasing tolerance, and a lack of tolerance for discrimination, and as time passes, and the homophobes who supported Prop 8 grow old and die, their children, raised in an era when being gay is no big deal, will eventually give to gay Americans ALL the rights granted to non-gay Americans. And then, the last vestiage of "seperate but equal" will disappear from the American landscape.

On the bright side, one of the most vile homophobic member of Congress, Marilyn Musgrove from Colorado went down in flaming (no pun intended) defeat, losing 56-44 to Democrat Betsy Markey. Thank God. And, also in Colorado, in a neighboring district, openly gay Jared Polis won a seat in Congress defeating his opponent 62-34!!! He's not the first openly gay member of Congress, but he is the first opening gay man to get elected.

So even if California turned it's back on it's gay citizens, the citizens in two Colorado Congressional districts did their part to brighten the day for gays and lesbians.

Now, we just need to buckle down and change things nationwide!

POLT Listening to "I Know It's You" by The Crystal Method

Oh come ON, Sharon! I'm fucking Ozzy Osbourne, the king of fucking darkess! I won't do fucking bubbles! - Ozzy


Anonymous said...

It will take a while, and some stress, but we will eventually do it with the new generation of metrosexuals. Thank god.


Stephen R. said...

Hopefully, we are mobilizing. And getting angry. And starting to DEMAND change. Hopefully.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Have you seen this pic?
... as Obama says that "I'm not in favor of gay marriage..."

exile said...

i live in california, and i'm ashamed of it

J a d e said...

Personally I think that not allowing any people to marry on any cause except relation is ridiculous. What does a snooty politician care? Will it be any different with a ring? No of course not. They just want to control what they cannot accept. They think that if they keep it illegal that gay couples are less like likely to form which is a idiotic assumption. They control nothing currently except the acquiring of a piece of paper that allows two people of the same sex to file joint taxes.

I know there was a lot more to your post but that is the part that has always bugged me.

PS - Hi Polt, I'm back did you miss me :P I finally have an internet connection here in Florida and plan to post again at least semi-regularly.

Anonymous said...

After seeing Prop 22 pass in 2000 due to a bunch of lies, I wasn't so surprised this passed but I was sorely disappointed. I was trying to think of some kind of thing where they could legally change "marriage license" to some other term. It is just a legal contract, after all, so whoever decides on the wording of it should be able to change it. Then everybody, straight or gay, would be getting the same license and the word marriage could be relegated to just the actual church ceremony which has no bearing on anybody's rights. Granted this was a half thought out, on-the-cusp-of-sleep mind drift...

Anonymous said...

A lot of our enemies both Republican and Democratic got the boot this past election.

Musgrave is news to me though. I'm so glad that bitch is out of office.

Here in RI our President of the Senate and one of the obstacles to marriage equality got the boot too. That would be on Joe Montalbano, a Democrat and Catholic.

The new senate President will be Theresa Paiva-Weed. I already emailed her and asked her stand on marriage equality.