Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 71)...

Wife Beater Wednesdays
This week's theme: Diversity.





POLT Listening to "The Chase" from the Torchwood Soundtrack

If we're going to give out millions of dollars in tax breaks, shouldn't we give some to people who don't have millions of dollars already? - Toby Zeigler, the West Wing

1 comment:

cum.lover said...

"If we're going to give out millions of dollars in tax breaks, shouldn't we give some to people who don't have millions of dollars already? - Toby Zeigler, the West Wing"
Hordes of folks on food stamps & unemployment compensation, notwithstanding GM, Ford & Chrysler executives taking three separate charter flights to DC with cup in hand beggar-thy-neighbor. Go figure.