Friday, November 07, 2008

Want your pc, sit on my laptop, push all my buttons, baby...

Well, I've done it. I've made my decision. I'm getting a laptop.

I always thought it would be "neat" to have one, but I didn't know that I'd actually like working one. And then in October when I was at Dave S.'s, I was on his laptop at least once everyday, and I navigated around and found my way just fine. I always didn't want to spend the money to get one, but with my not having a car loan anymore, and very little on the credit cards, I can certainly afford one now. I never could actually justify getting one, as I have this desktop, and it works just fine, and, honestly, I really still can't justify one, but I've just decided I'm going to overlook that and just go with it and get one.

I remember, when I was still seeing Freddie, he'd bring his laptop down, and I marveled at the stuff he could do while sitting on the sofa or laying on the bed (and by stuff, I mean view and enjoy high speed Internet gay porn). He could write a paper in the bedroom as I watched football out in the living room. It was just so darn convienent. And I kinda want that convience for myself too.

Plus I imagine going on vacations (not that I've actually had one since 2006...the extended weekend to Columbus Ohio notwithstanding) and having the laptop with me, thus making my pre-written and saved posts for the Palace all that more accessable. And if, while on vacation, I want to go to a show, I can use the laptop to find one for me.

I don't really know how much I'll actually use it, and that's why I'm still having a hard time justifying the purchase, but I've decided I'll use it enough to warrant it.

So, hopefully before the end of the year, I may be posting from my laptop and not sitting here where I'm stuck now.

(NOTE: the photo above is probably NOT what I'll be getting, as it's doubtful I'll get an Apple, but it looks cool, so that's why I chose that photo...sorry Dave S.)

POLT Listening to "Confusion" by New Order

If you don't breathe in, a person could do anything for 10 minutes. - Opposite Of Sex


Anonymous said...

We have an Apple laptop and it is great. We take it everywhere and it is great to have a long on trips. You can amost always find wifi off of some dumb persons interface, unsecured, so you just hop around using their connection. It is great. Good luck on you choice, but I would suggest an Apple.


hoteltuesday said...

I would too. Some stupid PC owners say, "So? What's the big deal with not getting any viruses?!" But having had a PC for so long, the lack of Apple viruses is wonderful.
Just don't put any juice near it.
: (