Friday, July 03, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 184)...

Chapter 7, Part 2...

Thursday, I got up without too much trouble, and I was making good time until I ran into not one, not two, but THREE construction zones.  And I was stopped at all three, the last one for 11 freakin' minutes!  How frustrating. I still managed to make it to work on time, though.

Work itself was okay.  Nothing exciting, nothing horrible.  I got done things I needed to.  And then headed home.

Once I got here, I changed clothes and called mom.  She was having people come look at her house at 6:00, so she and I were going out to eat, but at 5:00.  I told her I was ready when she was.  She said she'd be right down, but I was not supposed to wait outside, she wanted to come in for a bit.

When she got here, she handed me something (which I still can't remember now what it is) and asked me if I wanted it, and i said I did.  I put it on the table and when I turned around she stood in the middle of the room, hands near her face, almost ready to cry.  I said, "What?"  She tried to keep herself under control and said, "So much as happened."  And I asked what was wrong!  And she, choking back tears, covered her face and said, "It's not bad, it's good."  And I kept asking what, what?

She quickly got herself under control and pulled her hands down and said, "Well, they're going to put a contract on the house."  WHAT????  It wasn't yet 5:00 and they weren't supposed to look at it until 6:00!  She said, there was a mixup in the time and they were there at 11;00.  She talked with them a bit and answered some of their questions.  The couple seemed impressed with the house.  And then mom left them to look at it.

Then, in the afternoon, mom got a call from her realtor saying the couple was putting a contract on.  It was such a relief for mom.  Even if it falls through I think she'll be breathing easier because she sees she's not gonna have to worry still having the house years from now.

Also, she mentioned, the home where we have grandma said she's ready to go back to assisted living instead of full care.  So that's gonna be cheaper, but she'll be able to walk on her own, with a walker, and not just be stuck in bed all the time.  That's a good thing too.

So after getting all this good news and hugging ourselves silly, we headed out to Greencastle.  We ate at El Sombrero, and then got some groceries.  After she dropped me off, I got online for a little bit, and then went to bed, where I read a little bit and then went to sleep.


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