Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Do these cultures clash or am i living in the past...

Johnnie, former of Testicular Tuesdays With Johnnie (check the archives for 2005 if you don't know what I'm talking about) , called me tonight and we spoke for a bit. this is part of our conversation:

Johnnie: Hey, Polt, I'm gonna do something even you haven't done!
Polt: And what would that be?
Johnnie: A half-Asian and half-Mexican.
Polt: Wow. Good for you.
Johnnie: You've not had anyone like that have you?
Polt: Well, not that I know of, but I don't really ask my fucks thier geneology. I mean I've been with some mutts in my time. And who knows what I may have had in the back rooms of Toronto, but no, I don't think I have.
Johnnie: We'll be covering most of the world. I cover Europe and she covers South America and Asia! Very cultured!
Polt: You just need to have the two of you and a chick from Africa and you'll get a majority of the world.
Johnnie: Yeah, that'd be cool. Lots of continents.
Polt: OR, you, the Asia-Mexican chick, the black chick, and a penguin! that would give you Antarctica too!
Johnnie: Hey, if that was the only way for it to happen, if it was the deal-breaker, then I guess I'd be down with the penguin. But only a girl penguin, cause a boy penguin would just be gross.

Yeah, we're very progressive, he and I.


You don't bring a toothy grin to a hostage situation. - Polt's moronic boss, February 17, 2004

1 comment:

Doug said...

I gotta agree with Johnnie, but the other way around. A girl penguin would just be gross. ;)