Friday, February 23, 2007

Keychains and snowstorm, the taste of your sweat...

I have mentioned in a few posts recently about the snowstorm of last week. I took photos. The first is the back yard as I made my way to the car to clean it off.

I know, I know, there's not much snow there, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was the thick sheet of ice covering it...and everything else. The ice supported my weight as I walked across it.

Next, is Ag's car out front, still snowed/iced in.

Again, it doesn't look like much, but it was like solid, and difficult to break apart and clear away. I took several days for both of us to get our cars out onto the road again.

So, now you have some idea of what we were up against. Of course, then, Freddie just told me that his friend Gabby goes to school in upstate New York, and they've had snow so far exceeding 6 feet. And poor Gabby 4'11". So i guess I outta not complain too much.


"Shit", he said, without originiality but with great feeling. - The Center Cannot Hold


Anonymous said...

Um....flame thrower!

Shock and awe, baby!!!!

Truthspew said...

If I might, better you than us. We did get that snow turned to ice bit. Gave me a chance to try out my Yaktrax.

And yes, they work rather well on ice and snow.

But that was a week ago. Now most of the ice is gone. We had rain yesterday and a little dusting of snow this morning. By noontime the snow was all gone.

It's been a weird winter. Temps have been on average about 8F above normal, and total accumulation < 4" of snow.

This is in stark contrast with the winter of 1996 when we got 120" of snow.