Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Too much information for my head (Part 28)...

These as ever week come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/. Normally, we only have 5 questions, this week, we have 10. I'm not sure what the special occasion is, I'm just going with the flow. And I'm gonna tell you all right now, some of these questions and the answers are somewhat explicit, so if you don't want to know explicit things about me (you know who you are, you straight people), read no further. You have been warned.

1. Have you ever had sex in a friend's house/apartment/car/whatever... but not with that friend? Does your friend know? Do parents count? No probably not. hmm, well, when I was in Toronto one time, one of the guys I knew there, Sam, and I decided to hookup. We couldn't go to my hotel room, nor his place. He was housesitting for a friend of his, and we went there and had sex on his friend's bed. It wasn't my friend, but I think that still counts.
2. Have you ever sat at your computer naked? Oh dear Lord, most of the time I'm at my computer I'm naked especially in the summer (and for those that know me personally, sorry for that visual.)
3. If you are sure you WOULD get caught, is there anyone (known personally, celebrity, fictional character) you'd cheat with? Maybe get cuaght in the act with Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, James Dobson or one of those other far right radical religious wing nuts that take homophobia to the extreme. Not that I'd WANT to have sex with them but I'd love to be the one to expose them as closet homos themselves. Hoisting someone on thier own petard and seeing someone get thier comeuppance would be a GREAT feeling!
4. Have you ever photocopied a body part? I Xereoxed my hand as I was giving the finger once. Sorry, nothing any more exciting that that.
5. Just how rigid are your standards: Is there anyone out there (say, a celebrity), that you'd do, just to say you scored? (We aren't talking a dreamy celebrity i.e. Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston; we are talking Mick Jagger, Dick Chenney, or the Queen of England.) Sure, see question number 3 above.
6. Have you ever contacted a “lost love” years later? No. Sorry, nothing exciting to add to it.
7. What was the worst thing your SO ever caught you doing? What was the worst thing your parents ever caught you doing? Did you ever do either of those things again? A previous SO caught me in a pretty bad lie once. And my mom walked in on me masturbating. And yes, I've done both of them since, probably more than i should, in both cases.
8. What is the shortest period of time you've ever gone between sex with two different sexual partners in separate sessions (that means threesomes don't count unless they are separate threesomes)? Wellllll....when i was younger, I'd go hangout at adult bookstores, in the movie booths in the back, and there, well, I could have had sex with 5, 6 or more men in one afternoon. So I don't know what the exact time between partners would be, but let's say not much.
9. Besides the usual (lingerie, sexy shoes, etc.), what's the sexiest thing your SO can wear? An unbuttoned Oxford type shirt, a smile, and nothing else.
10. Have you ever masterbated with a house hold object (other than a sex toy)? If so what? I tried the handle of an old hairbrush once, only once. Oh, and I always used to use socks when I was a teenager, but that just made the cleanup easier.

Bonus (as in optional): For you girls out there...what size boobs do you have? For you guys, how many inches are you packing? Ya know, honestly, I don't think most of the Palace readers are gonna want to know this, so I'll just say average.


"Ugly little spud isn't he?" "I think he can hear you, Ray." - Venkman, Ghostbusters


LadyXandria said...

5, 6 or more men in one afternoon? You have quite an appetite. Happy TMI Tuesday!

Doug said...

You naughty little boy!

Truthspew said...

Odd - I didn't see this TMI on the blog. Anyhow I love the first question. I can unequivocally answer that I have.

You see, about 15 years ago I moved into the same building that a good friend lived in.

Problem was I had an asshole roommate and my friend knew my tastes so every once in a while I'd get a call to 'come on over'.

Fun times for a 25 year old let me tell you that much.