Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Man make sure that caskets closed...

Amen, brother, ain't it the truth?


I'm telling you nicely and only once. If you shoot and even one of these nice people is injured by a ricochet, I will give that gun a guided tour of your intestines. - Superman, Action Comics #814

1 comment:

Truthspew said...

The whole M.O. of the White House is to make sure we never, ever see the caskets, the wounded, etc. from this conflict, or we should see as little of it as possible.

Because if people don't see it, they don't think about it. Fortunately I don't need to see it to know it's happening and know that I want our troops the hell out of Iraq, and stop rattling sabers over Iran too.

The Bush administration is all about money and oil.