Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Too much information for my mind (Part 30)...

As always, these come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com

Would you rather...
1. be famous now & forgotten after you die or forgotten now & famous after you die, forever? & Why? Hmm, this one is making me think....I think I'd rather be famous now and forgotten when I'm dead, cause that way, i can enjoy my fame. If I'm not famous now, but famous forever after I die, well, hell, what's the point in being famous then?
2. give blood or read Hamlet? & Why? Oh read Hamlet, DEFINATLY. I love to read, I hate needles, it's a no brainer. Plus, Hamlet might actually be interesting, who knows?
3. be extravagantly rich, but hated by others or be well loved and admired, but dirt poor? & Why? Oooh, I like these questions! I want to say admired and poor, but honestly, I'd have to say rich and hated, cause if I got money, people will pretend they like me to leech some off of me. And whether people like me or not, if I've got money, I can get whatever I want. Money can't buy you friends, but it'll get you a better class of enemies. Money can't buy you love, but you can surely rent it for a little while. Money can't buy you happiness, but it'll make your unhappiness a bit more bearable. need I go on?
4. be imprisoned for the rest of your life or kill someone? & Why? Geez, that would depend on who I'd have to kill. I don't think I could kill someone I know, or rather someone I like. I don't think I could kill a kid. A random 40 year old guy in New Dehli, India, or Brisband Australia, or Kansas City, Kansas, or Brussels Belgium...yeah, one of those I could kill instead of being imprisoned. And why? Cause I could possibly have a good 30 years or so left in me, I don't wanna be spending all those being bars!
5. fight Mike Tyson or talk like him? & Why? Talk to him, cause it would be funny and I'd not get hurt. Fighting him would involve pain and would not be funny. (oops, I just noticed I misread the question....although I'd probably still choose talk LIKE him cause it would be painless and funny. ALTHOUGH, if there was a million dollar jackpot or something available after a fight with him, I might take that. I guarantee I'd go down in the first round...probably before any punches are even thrown!)
Bonus (as in optional): Who would you kill if you were guaranteed to get away with it? Oh I have a couple candidates, but I better not write it down....that way if something mysterious happens to them, well, then there's nothing written down!


Faith moves mountains. Irony takes the tunnel under them.


Anonymous said...

I like your answers they were honest and believeable. I liked the one about being rich and hated. You're right everybody would pretend to be your friend. Then who's to say there not doing that now?
I like the either or type of question. It makes one think.

LadyXandria said...

LMAO... my cheeks hurt from laughing. These are by far the bestest answers. Happy TMI! :)