Friday, February 16, 2007

I will not forget the fear of sore...

Okay, he's the situation...

As most of you know, we got hit with a storm on Tuesday into Wednesday. About 4 inches of snow, but a solid icing on top of it, about a half in thick or so. Thick enough so that it supported my weigh when I walked on it. Because no one plowed out our small off street parking lot, my car's been stationary since Tuesday. I did clear all the ice and snow off of it, and I dug out around the tires to make sure I could move back and forth, but with a solid sheet of ice in front of me, I couldn't leave back there. I had to take two days off work, thinking at some point on Thursday, they'd get here to plow it open. Didn't happen. So I made arrangements with a co-worker to take me to work today.

As I was waiting for her to pick me up this morning, I watched a truck pull up and 5 little Hispanic guys got out with picks and shovels and started breaking up the ice on the front sidewalk. As I watched them I did two things: 1) hoped they would get around the cleaning off the parking lot in back and 2) noticed how cute they all were.

After work, when I was dropped off, I went to the back parking lot and saw they had plowed most of it, but there were still 4 or 5 inche humps of ice and snow around the cars that they hadn't gotten. I pulled my car up and over the one in front of me, sounding like I was ripping all the underthings off the under part of my car. Everything seemed okay, so I took the car around the block to test out the roads and to see if I could get back up the alleys to get to the parking lot. I got back find.

But I didn't want to just pull back over the hump. So I got out and got my shovel and tried to break up the ice and the hump and it wasn't easy. After 20 minutes, I figured that was enough, and i went to McDonalds for supper.

When i returned to the parking lot, I saw one tenant had pulled his car in and parked on one ofthe hump and Pat, the guy who lives on the second floor, was out and trying to break up the ice so he could move his fiance's car somewhere. So I stayed out and helped him. I used the sharp hoe like thing to break it up and he shoveled to move it away. We worked away and chatted away for about forty minutes. Then we had done enough.

I got my McDonalds stuff and came to my apartment. And now, three hours later, my neck, my back, my shoulders, my forearms, and my wrists are all throbbing and aching. And my throat is sore again with my nose running. Ugh.

For a fat, almost 40 year old guy with the activity level of a slug, it was a lot of work, and I'll be paying for it so MUCH tomorrow. *SIGH*


"You married?" "Occasionally. I'm always on the look out for a future ex-Mrs. Malcolm. - Dr. Malcolm, Jurrasic Park


Anonymous said...

I thought this story was going to be that the hispanic boys had cleaned off the parking lot and you found a way to repay them.
spring and warmer weather is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Might I suggest a blow(!!)-torch or flame-thrower. Practicalities aside, either one would make you instantly popular with all of your neighbors at this time of year. And would eliminate all need for any excess stress, strain, pointy objects, hammering, digging, sweating, wasting of time while one's McDonald's gets cold, etc.

Sounds absolutely horrible. I'm sure glad we don't get weather like that hear in Michigan (snicker). I swear there is no pleasing some people. You need to find that climate zone where the temperature remains between 40 and 60 all year round with minimal precipitation. If you find it please let me know where it is.

Fairy Godfather.