Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Too much information for my head (part 29)...

As in every week, these come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

The Valentine's Day Edition.

1. Have you had sex with another person in 2007? Have you passed on an opportunity to sex with another person in 2007? Yes, I have in fact had sex with 2 people so far in 2007. And no, I've had no other opportunities to pass up.
2.What is the funniest thing you have ever said or done during sex? (Orgasmic facial expressions do not count.) Hmm, well several years back i was thinking about Justin Timberlake whilst a guy (who's name was NOT Justin) was going down on me. As I tend to be a bit vocal, I got a little bit too much into it and said something along the lines of , "Oh yeah, that's is, Just-" but I quickly recovered by pausing and said, "...keep doing that, yeah."
3.What is the first thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? The man who's with her?
4.What is the best pick-up line you have ever heard? Every used? Ever been used on you? I don't use pickup lines. I did have a guy, about 15 years ago, come up to me in a bar and say (and I'm paraphrasing here) "Look, I could try to use some stupid flattery line on you or something as a way to make small talk in the hopes that we'd strike up a conversation and then when the bar closed, hoping that you'd come back to place so we could fuck, but frankly, I don't like wasting time. I wanna fuck around with you, my place is walking distance, you wanna go have at it?" Yeah, not very romantic, but I admired the directness. Plus, he was a hot little Hispanic, and I...well, I was me, so of COURSE I said yes.
5.Where is the most unique you have ever had sex? Unigue? Geez, I don't know...a handjob in the car while driving? A blowjob on the top of a parking garage? Sex on top of the hood of my car at night in a cul-de-sac with a series of houses under construction around it...and one occupied?

Bonus (as in optional): Do you pee in the shower? If so, has any SO known that you pee in the shower? Has any SO peed in the shower? I've commented about this on my blog recently, and in fact i DO pee in the shower. I know my SO knows, cause he reads my blog. And we've never talked about whether he does or not. I don't really care, just so long as I'm not IN the shower with him when he does so.


You look hot. If I didn't know you, I'd try to lure you to a roadside rest area! - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy

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