Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm a punk took a shower cause i stunk...

I've lived in this apartment 10 years as of September 1st of this year. All during that time, I have not liked the showerhead. It's too low, the water smacks me in the middle of my chest. And when i want to wash my hair, I have to turn around and lean back until my head is under the water...not a comfortable position.

Well, after almost ten years I had had enough! (Yeah, I have a real slow fuse sometimes) So tonight, when i was at Wal-Mart, I bought a new showerhead! When i got home, I was gonna call Ag to install it for me because 1) she's already installed a new one in her shower and 2) I have absolutely NO handyman skills to speak of. Honestly. Remember Tim "The Toolman" Taylor from Home Improvement in the 90's? Well, one day I aspire to be as competant with home improvement as he was.

But then i thought, no I can probably do this myself. i should at least try. And if I end up with two showerheads laying on the floor and none on the tub, well I can always give her a call then, right?

So i read the instructions, seemed easy enough. I took the old head off, and cleaned off the grooves as well as I could. Then it mentioned "pipe tape". What the hell is pipe tape? I know duct tape, masking tape, measuring tape, Scotch tape, tape recordings, tape worms, but never heard of pipe tape. And I knew I didn't have any around the house.

I was contemplating using the Scotch tape I have, when i noticed something wrapped in plastic and taped to the inside of the directions. I opened it. I assumed it was pipe tape, I had no idea what else it could be. So I started unwrapping it, and then realized I outta be wrapping this directly on the grooves, so i did. I screwed in the attachment, the tube into the attachemtn, the tube into the showerhead itself.

Then the directions said to slowly turn on the cold water and see if there was any leakage. I said a few prayers, and did so...and no leaks! I turned on the cold and hot water, like when I'd be taking a shower, and NO leaks! Whoo-hoo! I was so excited, I took a shower right away, to celebrate.

i also got a photo of the new showerhead.

Now, just to long as I don't slip, catch my head in that loop and hang myself. Hey, with me, it's not outside the realm of possibility.


He had every characteristic of a dog, except loyalty. - Monty, It's My Party


exile said...

ok... so how long was it until the shower was used for "dirty things"

(btw, my word verification is SHETUB, i shit you not!)

Ag said...

Well Well I guess I am not needed anymore.

Michelle said...

Oh hell..I coulda done that for ya......being a plumbers daughter, I knew how to do all kinds of plumbing things!! Umm..that sounded kinda kinky didn't it? LOL