Monday, February 12, 2007

One more bad dream could bring a fall...

Last night, I had this dream...

It was night, and dark, and I had to take something into this basement. The door to the basement was an old wooden dark blue colored thing. The door was hard to open, but I did it. AndI looked down the stairs. They disappeared into darkness.

And then I saw, heard and felt this...thing coming up the stairs. It was non-corporeal so it passed right through me when it got to me, but it was evil. pure evil, I could tell! After it went through me, I was cold and scared. I turned around and looked down the hall the way it had come, but there was nothing there. I turned back around and saw something else coming up the stairs. I don't know what it was except that it too was evil and it was SOLID! I slammed the door shut, but it was pounding on the other side, pushing it. I struggled to get the door locked and almost couldn't, but in the end, I succeded. Then I turned around to run out and -

-Behind me was the thing I was trying to keep in the basement. And it was on me! And I screamed.

And I woke up. I didn't scream for real, only in my dream, but my heart was pounding to fast I heard it in my ears, and I was gasping for breath. I got up and walked into the bathroom (right off my bedroom) and got a drink of water. As I stood in front of the sink, I could see into the mirror, and i could have sworn i saw movement from behind the shower curtain, even though i KNEW nothing was there.

And at just that precise moment, for whatever reason, the nightlight decided to go out. I have the nightlight right next to the sink so i can find my way to the sink and toilet in the middle of the night without having to turn on a light. And for whatever reason, it chose this exact minute to have the bulb blow.

I think I did scream a little when that happened.

i know I dropped the cup I was drinking from and ran back into the bedroom throwing on a light as soon as I could. The light helped. I kinda laughed a bit, knowing there was nothing there. I got back into bed, still chuckling at myself. I turned the light out...and noticed that my bedroom door was wide open (as I had left it). And on the other side was nothing but darkness!

I turned the light back on. I thought maybe I'd read a bit, and i did read about two pages in teh book i was reading, but I was so tired my eyes kept drifting shut. But i couldn't turn the light out. I knew in my head nothing was there....but I could still remember how I felt, allthe fear, when that thing got to me.

So i put the book down, left the light on, and went back to sleep.

Thank God I don't too often remember my dreams.


That couch would look totally great if it was on fire and being thrown from a bridge. - Justin Jorgenson, Obscene Interiors


Anonymous said...

Wow that is a scary night. I hate it when I wake up to a nightmare. Even though I am an adult it still wigs me out. Our brains are powerful for sure.

Glad you are okay now. Have a good nights sleep tonight.


Truthspew said...

Wow, pretty vivid dreams. Mine are usually run of the mill sexual.

BTW, I'm moving away from blogger because of the Nick Gisburne thing. Seem my new blog at

It doesn't handle video embeds all that well but I have yet to explore all its features. It does import blogger posts and comments though.

A Bronx Tale said...

lately i've been feeling really anxious and experiencing anxiety in the mornings.

not sure if its because i wake up so darn early at 4:30 to begin my day to hit the gym before work.

sometiems i feel like i'm constantly looking over my shoudler b/c its as if someone is chasing me.

as if my dream is continuing in real life time.

its freaky i know.

but perhaps we're all just living a dream in someone's else big dream.