Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just wait- Or is too little too late? ...

As you know, last week around here we had an ice and snow storm. Started Tuesday, ended sometime Wednesday afternoon. Because of the ice I could not get my car out until Friday evening. Even so, from my off street parking, I have to travel down a short, but somewhat steep alleyway. There's a longer, less steep one I come up to reach the off street parking.

At any rate, over the weekend, I had to go down the alley, not in Drive but in 3, and I had to keep the brakes applied and just let gravity pull me down, hoping I didn't slide into the telephone pole at the bottom. Had to do this until Tuesday, actually, when it warmed up a bit and the sun came out and melted some of the ice and snow in the alleyway.

Wednesday, yesterday, when I left for work, one tire track was bare down to the alley itself, the other bare in patches. Near the bottom, it was almost entirely clear. And sometime, that morning, before I left, the town I lived in decided then to throw stones on the alley.

Bless them.

The stones did no good as the snow and ice were mostly gone 1 WEEK after the storm hit. And the amount of stones actually causes my car to skid a bit. Not as much as ice, but still a bit.

Ah, the infinite wisdom of small-town government.


I wish the Republicans had nominated Reagan again. In a casket. I'd rather have a dead ex-president than this joker we've got now. - Lewis Black

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