Sunday, May 03, 2009

Travel Notes, Part 3...

To see trip quotes, click HERE.
To see Travel Notes, Part 1, click HERE.
To see Travel Notes, Part 2, click HERE.

Tuesday, April 28th: I got up before Michelle, as she needed rest and sleep from her...scene checking the night before. I wanted to do some shopping in the gayborhood along Church Street, but some of the stores weren't open, and I just wasn't feeling it. I did end up going to a nearby comic book store and getting three graphic novels I had been wanting. And then I went to the Second Cup in the hotel and got a hot chocolate and cherry tart and ate them while I people watched out the window and updated the journal.

Returning to the room, I found Michelle up and ready to go. So we walked to the Eaton Centre, did a bit more work on the project Tam and I started on Saturday (stay tuned for that), and then had lunch in one of the food courts there.

Following this, we went passed the hotel and back to Church Street where we visited several stores , and both of us actually bought a few things. Mostly, I just had fun watching Michelle's reaction to the dildos and sex toys in the one store.

We returned to the hotel, but it wasn't long until I decided to check out the scene. It was, after all, early afternoon, and that's when I had the most luck. And this day was no exception. Several tallies, of various makes, models, and interestes, were made that afternoon, and a fun time was had by all. Satisfied and smiling, I returned to the hotel.

We were there for a little bit before we decided to go for a walk and find something to eat. The walk was pleasant, as the weather was not too hot, nor too cool, nor rainy. And we ended up eating at the Pickle Barrel, which frankly surprised me with it cool, retro interior, and excellent food. And at a decent price too. Then we walked back to the hotel.

Since it was my last night in Toronto, I decided I was going out, despite my lack of luck in the evenings. I left about 9:30 I think. I visted two seperate places, the same two places I'd been visiting the whole trip. And while I had a good time at both, I thought the night would end unsatisfactorily. It was a smidge after midnight, and I figured the best pickings were over, so I...took matters in my own hand. Then I prepared to leave.

As I was going out, I saw this really cute guy, who turned out to be Enrique. More on him, later, I promise. He'll get his own post. But following all that, I went back to the hotel and went to sleep.

Wednesday, April 29th: Michelle and I got up and went to eat at the Golden Griddle. We then returned to the hotel where we checked out, said a sorrowful goodbye to Toronto and returned to the states. At the border, while waiting in lines to get to a booth, a turn rearended Miss Cleo. Well, actually, he just kinda drifted into her from behind. Only rocked the car a bit. I got out and checked, and there was just some blue paint on her, not dents or damage. The driver just kinda shrugged when I looked at him. I thought of getting his info, but I knew I wouldn't do anything with it, so I left the asshole alone. On the upside, the guard at the border was a pretty hot looking Hispanic guy.

We got to Bradford no problem, and ate at Beefeaters again. And for the first time in the decade or so that I've been going there, I did NOT get the steak. Got the haddock scampi, and it was pretty damn good. no queen cut steak, mind you, but pretty good in it's own right. then we went back to the hotel and hung out there until we went to sleep.

Thursday, April 30th: We ate breakfast at the European Pastry Kitchen and got thoroughly filled to the gills. The drive back home was uneventful, and we got here about 3:30 I think. It was only as I was unpacking late that night that I discovered I couldn't find my passport. But Michelle texted me the next day to tell me she had it, thank goodness.

And thusly the trip was over. Until the next time...

POLT Listening to "Call Me (E-Smoove's Beat Vocal Mix)" by Blondie

I think gay and lesbian couples ought to be treated equally, period. - Gerald Ford, Oct. 29, 2001

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