Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get up and move it, to the music (Part 1)...

I LOVE those "motivational" posters. Here's a few I posted previously:

And here's several I made myself...obviously during last year's presidential campaign:

And I just recently found a site with a whole HORDE of them. Some are kinda weak, but I stole borrowed a whole bunch of the more funny ones! Like so:

POLT Listening to "Come Into My World" by Kylie Minogue

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room! - The President, Dr. Strangelove


Saucy said...

Thank Goddess, I have finally found someone who feels the same way about e.hasslebeck as I do.

I am convinced she is my anonymous blog flamer.

Found you via Bossy.

Ray Avito said...

That gangsta is killing me! He could've at least made the singles less prominent.