Sunday, May 10, 2009


As mentioned HERE, I've had this patio rug to put out on my balcony since before I left for Toronto. But I've been unable to get it out there, cause I had to clean the balcony getting rid of all the mulch and compost that had collected in the corners, then the Toronto trip took me out of the country, and then there's been like non-stop rain since then. Well, today, with temps in the low 80's, and nary a cloud in the sky, I took upon myself to finish the project.

This is the balcony pre-any work done to it (I started to clean it more than three weeks ago, before I even bought the patio rug, but I couldn't finish the whole thing until today)...

And this is the balcony totally finished! Now I just have to wait for another warm sunny day to sit out there.

About 8 years ago or so, a guy I worked with was saying how his younger daughter, Megan, was upset cause her older sister was getting all these emails from her friends, and she wasn't getting any at all. So, I told him to give me her email address and I'd send her some emails. Subsequently, we became 'email buddies'. She'd send me jokes and tell how her day went, I'd ask her about school, and the sports she played and what have you. naturally, after a year or two, the infrequent emailing stopped all together, cause she was then a teenager, and had her own friends to email with.

Well, last weekend was her first prom. She's a junior. And my GOD is she beautiful. Her father had several photos at work, but this is only one he emailed me, and honestly, this one isn't a very good shot of her. She's much more striking than she appears here.

But at any rate, this is Megan and her date to the prom, Nick.

Nick's a lucky guy.

Just because he asked, yes john, my hands are as big as they appear on mom's t-shirt...but I don't think they're all that big. To put them in perspective, I took a photo of my hand over my keyboard.

There, now they don't seem all THAT big now, do they?

POLT Listening to "Stop!" by Erasure

That's not a dust bunny, that's a dust cat! - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


BOSSY said...

You melt Bossy. Melt.

Polt said...

Um....I hope that's a good thing.... :)


Anonymous said...

Nice patio you have there. We've got a porch but the landlord freaks out about people being there.

I explained that it lets others know someone lives there. He relented after that.

BTB, hand span. I'm 8.5" from thumb to pinky.

john said...

Nice rug! It looks good up there. I'm jealous of the balcony, I wish our house had one.

Megan is quite pretty. Nick better be a nice guy because he better be deserving of all the luck he has...

Hey, you know what they say about men with big hands: they need big gloves.

They don't look gargantuan, but to me, they look big. My ring finger is only like a six and a half and my wrist is tiny too. I bought the Mrs. a bracelet for her upcoming graduation and I knew what size to get her by getting one that fit me.

Polt said...

Ok, well as soon as I can locate my tape measure, I'll have to now measure my hand myself and see. Damn me for bowing to peer pressure so easily!


Tam said...

Sheesh, men. You'll compare anything won't you?

She's a beautiful young lady and I love your rug. Looks great on the balcony.