Sunday, May 10, 2009

On my mind, mother dear, the boy keeps me...

I HATE Mother's Day.

There, I've said it.

Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day...all though FAKE holidays created by card companies, and the flower companies, and the choclate companies. Hate them all.

If I love my mother, or father, or someone special, I'm gonna tell them that, frequently, throughout the year, hopefully more than once a week. I'm NOT going to do it on one random day determined by large corporations to guilt me into buying these people cards/flowers/gifts as they attempt to make me feel like subhuman slime if I DON'T do it.

Screw them.

Mom always gets a "Mother's Day" card and gift from me, cause she IS my mother and she IS a saint, and I don't want her to feel left out (see the corporation's guilt trip works that far even on me), but I NEVER give them to her on Mother's Day. She gets them the Friday or Saturday before or the Monday or Tuesday afterwards.

There were several years when I drove down to her work either the Friday before or Monday after and surprised her and took her out to lunch. One Friday, I had a batch of balloons and a vase filled with flowers.

See it's not that I don't love my Mama, which I OBVIOUSLY do, and it's not that she's not deserving of recognition, cause she OBVIOUSLY is. I just refuse to allow large multinational corporations to intimidate me into telling her that I love her. So there.

This year, I DID get her two cards (one from the dog, and one from me) and tomorrow first thing I'm going to order flowers to be delivered to her house about noon, when I'll be there, and I got her this as a gift:

It's a do-it-yourself t-shirt, which is, I assume, supposed to be done by little kids, but maturity wise, I'm still a little kid, so I did it. And the yellow thing on the bottom is Angel's paw...or at least a copy I made of it.

So to all the mother out there, I'll grudgingly offer a Happy Mother's Day, cause I'm sure you deserve it as well. Damn Hallmark.....

POLT Listening to "Roam" by The B-52's

So, Lonestar, now you see evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb. - Dark Helmet, Spaceballs


stratcat45 said...

What a scrooge..... Mother's Day origins are different then you think:

Tam said...

You FINALLY gave her the shirt. LOL Its adorable. Love the paw print. We don't do Mother's Day really. I did get a card and a chocolate bar this morning and something she made in wood shop but that's it. I don't send cards, I'll likely phone my Grandma later if I don't forget but it's just not a big deal for my family.

john said...

Polt, are your hands as big as they appear? That shirt is great and the paw print makes it.

I do Mother's Day, but not for any other reason that I love my mom. Sure I tell her all the time, but there isn't anything wrong with telling her on Mother's Day too.

TwoPi said...

I got a similar shirt ("Best Dad Hands Down") from my two boys a few years ago, and then made the mistake of wearing it when I took them grocery shopping on the following Mother's Day.

I guess I was thinking "Oooh, a contrived honor-parenthood holiday; I have just the shirt to wear!"

If looks could kill... oh man. I guess the ladies at the grocery figgered they were seeing some bitter divorced man, rather than a loving husband who gave his wife the gift of a silent home for two hours on a Sunday. [I got DOZENS of evil eyes glaring at me -- not just an isolated reaction.]

I don't think I've worn the shirt since.

So... warn MamaPolt not to wear it on Father's Day, but to feel free to wear it the other 364 days of the year.

Anonymous said...

I also hate the days that are supported by supercorps.

They are so phony. I love my parents everyday of the year.
