Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Travel Notes, Part 6....

For quotes from the trip, click HERE.
For Travel Notes, Part 1, click HERE.
For Travel Notes, Part 2, click HERE.
For Travel Notes, Part 3, click HERE.
For Travel Notes, Enrique, click HERE.
For Travel Notes, Photos, click HERE.

While Tam was hanging out with Michelle and I, of course we gossiped about the other members of the Puntabugang. And we got to thinking how cool it would be to find gifts for them from Toronto! Oh, not actually purchase the gifts (you all aren't THAT cool) but to get you photos of what we thought of when we thought of you! This is the 'project' that I mentioned in previous posts. And with no further ado, let's DO this.


Knowing how hairy you are reputed to be, we thought we'd help you out with that situation and get you some men's self-waxing treatments. See, they're only $11.49 Canadian, so it's cheaper than having it done professionally. And less embarrassment. If you do it alone, no one else will be there to hear your tortured screams.

Chris D.

According to Tam, you need some new curtains, so we found a nice, sensible yet fancy set. Just don't forget to close them when you're doing the nasty, kay?


A magazine entitled Argyle. No, I got no idea what it's about either, but when it's titled that, does it really matter what it's all about?

Dave S.

Tight, fashionable undies (the fashionable part is for your benefit, the tight part is for ours). And this is how Tam almost got us kicked out of Sears, cause she grabbed the blue clad mannequinn and moved it over next to the red clad one! Right there, in the store, with the bright lights highlighting the photo on the wall and everything. Course, as I mentioned, we did this Saturday night, and as of Tuesday afternoon, they were still positioned like this!


A statue of a scorcerer, since you're in the play of the same name! I hear tell you're pretty awesome in that role, but maybe this Sir Ian McClellen as Gandalf statue can inspire you to even higher heights of magic!


A shirt from the boys section of Abercrombie & Fitch. Tam thinks it would fit you perfectly, but I tend to think it'd be a bit big and blousy on your petite frame. However, since she's met you and I've only seen you in pictures, we'll go with her assessment.


The whole entire catalog of Dr. Who books, since he's as big a Dr. Who as I am, if not more. And if you can see through the bluriness (thanks, Tam!), you might notice there are two Torchwood books off to the right. Extra Bonus!!!


A tattoo parlor all of his own for Jere. Tam told me Jere just got a tattoo, and we figured if he wanted anymore to compliment it, he could just go here. Tam didn't realize she was gonna get in the photo, and she's standing in the rain, so that's why she looks so un-Tam-like miserable.


This was perhaps the easiest of all: BUNNIES! Triplet bunnies, apparently! All soft and cuddly.


We had problem with Mark (I'm sure hears that all the time), and it wasn't until I was loading these photos that I thought we should have gotten some weight loss stuff, or a new scale or something. But little good did it do me to think of this over a week too late. So Tam and I decided to get you a CD by someone named Mark. I was truly hoping to find a band called "The Mark Of Satan" or something, but no such luck. Eventually, we had to go to the counter and ask confuse the poor cute kid with bad hair about a CD by an artist named Mark. He thought we were asking for some song title or something. He actually backed away from the register and leaned back against a back counter and crossed his arms in a defensive maneuver, we were disturbing him so much. But eventually, he helped us find this one. And Tam, really, that hair HAD to go...although I still woulda done him with it that way.

Michelle M.

Hearing from Tam that you love Wonder Woman, we originally settled on some graphic novels. However, later in the trip I could this framed wonder: it's got two photos of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, and two Wonder Woman action figures. All framed together!!! Awesome, eh?

Ryan, With The Cupcake

Do we need to even provide an explanation for this one? We considered going for an actual cupcake, but then when we saw this book, we KNEW it was you!

Xi-Heather and TwoPi

Naturally, your gift HAD to be Godzilla-esque. We couldn't find a toy store (can you believe it?) so we went with this. I frankly was surprised! I would have though TwoPi would have had that talk with Godzilla already and he would have known to use condoms. Kids today, what can ya do with 'em?

If there's any other regular Puntabugang member that we didn't get a gift for, we probably just couldn't think of anything particularly distinctive for you...or we forgot you (we're old with poor memories, don't judge us!).

But rest assured, while we were together in Toronto, we thought of each and every one of you, multiple times most likely! And if I had the money, I'd have flown you all to Toronto to have the First Annual Puntabugang Reunion!

POLT Listening to "Mickey" by Toni Basil

"I'm too drunk to talk." "That's okay, I speak drunk." - Neil, Freaks & Geeks


Dave S. said...

This is great! :-) The underwear is dead-on. I was totally infatuated with the underwear store you had a picture of yesterday!

Avitable's is a riot -- especially in light of Puntabulous, The Novel. ;-)

And Ryan & john's were hilariously perfect.

All of them were awesome. :-)

john said...

Awww, those bunnies were cute. Thanks guys!

Enrico's gift made me laugh! That is hysterical. That boy needs a cheeseburger.

I also got a kick out of FDot's gift.

john said...

D'oh, damn my addled brain for not thinking of making a joke about me being easy! Easy, perhaps, but never cheap.

Tam said...

Actually you were cheap John since Easter was over and they were on sale. :-)

And leave that poor boy's hair alone. He was adorable as he was. Mousse can hide a multitude of hair sins. We just scared him a bit, that's all.

So my picture taking sucks. Doesn't your camera have autofocus? Sorry FDot. I wasn't thinking of you through an alcoholic haze or anything.

I just realized that by moving the blue mannequin I've hidden Calvin Klein's package. Maybe that was not such a smart move on my part. Hmmmm.

Ryan said...

Sweet! I always wanted to be a goddess. Well, close enough anyway.

hoteltuesday said...

Lol! Thanks. That shirt would look great on me, I'm sure.
And I eat lots of cheeseburgers! Gosh. I'm just young and my metabolism is too fast. As my venomous (and jealous) nine grade teacher told me, when I reach my mid-twenties my metabolism will slow down and I'll become obese.

Ryan's is hilarious!

TwoPi said...

Wait, wait -- 'zilla had a SON? Who's the mom... Mothra? I guess I know what's goin' to the top of the netflix queue NOW.

Love all the photos -- but I do wonder about that Argyle magazine. Did the photographer know which mag they were doing the shoot for? Where's the ARGYLE?!?!

Michelle M. said...

How fun! I can just see Tam moving mannequins about...
Love mine (and am relieved I'm not the hair wax recipient).

Craig said...

Yay! Everyone's presents are perfect! And I love the Argyle magazine! But why isn't the cover model wearing argyle? For shame!

john said...

Tam: OK, so they were cheap, but we aren't tawdry.

Jere Keys said...

I got the best gift! Body waxing, underwear and bunnies may say "love" but a tattoo says "you will remember me until the day you die!"

Xi_Heather said...

Thank you! So nice to know that we were thought of. Godzilla says...well,actually he only says RRRRWWWWWARRARR but I'm sure it means Thank You.

How come Tam knows everything about everyone? I'm impressed.

FDot said...

I thought all Canadians were in a permanent alcoholic stupor to ward off the cold? So the blurriness didn't affect me. I like the present though, nice to be thought of.

Tam said...

Okay, so you know more about Canada than I thought FDot.

Its called Facebook stalking Heather. ;-)

Mark said...

Thank you and Tam for just thinkin about me! That was sooo sweet. Luv yu both!