Friday, May 08, 2009

Got a headache, a-headache powder soothe the pain...

Yeah, so, welcome to Day 2 of the migraine. Ugh. I really shouldn't complain much, cause I've had MUCH worse migraines. No vomiting this time, although my stomach does feel queasy. And I'm able to get up outta bed, which sometimes...most times actually, I can't do. Except to pee or puke. Pleasant visuals, I'm sure. I won't be on here long, cause the light from the monitor is a bit much.

Mama Polt called to see how I was doing and, God bless her soul, she brought me a box of ginger ale in cans, some cans of soup and a loaf of bread for toast. Mama Polt is a saint.

I had the last two days off work, but that's not a plus cause I've not been able to enjoy the days due to the migraine, and plus, I KNOW there is a whole pile of crap now just sitting on my desk DEMANDING my immediate attention when I get there tomorrow, cause I know the two co-workers in my department ain't gonna touch it. Bitches. I probably shouldn't say that, but right now, with my head and all, I don't care. I'll just blame it on the migraine, ya know?

Tonight is Mama Polt's mom's (Grandmama Polt's) 85th birthday. Mom made reservations at a local restuarant, and I wanted to go, but obviously, I can't. I mean, it's just a meal, they're not gonna have any celebration for her out in public. She doesn't DO public celebrations. But at least I mailed her card earlier this week, mom said she got it Wednesday. And that should be a big surprise for her, cause my cards are NEVER on time.

Sorry if this rambled, just kinda doing a stream of consciousness thing. Have you gone to check out Dave S.'s blog yet at You should. He's got some funny posts, and a few photo albums...and believe you me, unless you're a straight man who wouldn't be interested in such things, you need to go check those photos out. And hell, even if you ARE a straight man, you should go check them out. They're hot.

Okay, I got nothing else to say right now. Laters...

POLT Listening to tsound of my fingers tapping on the keyboard

Nobody ever went bankrupt underestimating the intelligence of the American public. - H.L.Mencken


Anonymous said...

Polt, I hope you get better soon!

That said, I'm blessed. I really never get headaches. Instead I get the sinus fun and vertigo fun. The sinuses I can deal with, and even the vertigo is controllable now. I can sense it coming on about 20 or so minutes before it'll be a major issue. It's time to pop a decongestant or a steroid like prednisone in low (2.5mg) dose and within 20 or so minutes everything is fine.

It sucks getting old.

Tam said...

Sorry you are still feeling so sickly and had to miss your Grandma's dinner. Oh well, another time. You wouldn't enjoy it if you were feeling badly. Mojo for a quick recovery and that your coworkers surprised you and your desk will be clear tomorrow.

lime said...

oh man, i am so sorry. as a fellow migraine sufferer i truly feel your pain and the post migraine brain fog is a helluva thing too, like being hungover only with having had the fun time the night before.

rest up and feel better soon and yes, mama polt is a saint.

john said...

I'm so sorry, I know migraines suck. Do you take any medications for them? I worked with a nurse who suffered with them for years until she got and ergotamine inhaler which worked really well for her.

Anonymous said...

Mom's always know just what to do. Feel good, Poltie...and happy birthday to Grandmama Polt!

Mark said...

Feel better soon! Luv Ya!

Michelle M. said...

Wish I was your fairy : ) godmother - I'd bippity boppity boo your migraine away.
Hope you recover quickly!