Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 138)...

TMI Tuesdays
1. Have you ever participated in HNT? If so, when? If not, why not? Been doing so since March of 2006.
2. Have you ever avoided certain sites because of the HNT pictures that were posted? No, I used to check out every HNT photo posted, don’t have that time now, but I still do try to visit a lot of them.
3. Have you ever posted a HNT picture that you wish that you hadn't? Nah. Some didn’t go over as well as I would have liked, and some weren’t really all that good, but I’m okay with all that I posted.
4. Do you email/text/call anyone regularly with someone you met through HNT? I don’t think I do. I used to, but they don’t participate in HNT anymore. In fact, both of them closed up their blogs completely. Don’t know what happened to them.
5. What percentage of your online friends are current or former HNTers? Well, I know of two people that have posted on HNT because of my HNT posts, but they’re not regulars or anything.
6. Does anyone in your "real" life know that you do HNT (if, of course, you do)? Well, yeah, some of my friends that read the Palace know I do it. My mom knows, but since I don’t do X-Rated HNT’s, it’s not a big deal that she knows.
7. Other than previously-known friends, have you met any fellow HNTers? No, can’t say as I have.
8. Have you ever downloaded someone else's HNT pictures? Oh hell yes, all the time! If they’re hot photos, I’ve got ‘em. Have my own folder on my computer full of them.
BONUS QUESTION: Have you ever submitted a picture for "...the Other HNT"? Yep. Twice of myself, and three times with photos I took of other people.



Osbasso said...

I'm fairly tame with my HNTs, but I'm not sure I could handle my mom knowing!

Craig said...

What is the Other HNT?

Michelle M. said...

What is HNT?

Michelle M. said...

Just googled it. Duh.

tornwordo said...

I want to know what the "other" hnt is too.