Friday, May 15, 2009

Listen to the radio, radio...

Hypocracy makes me chuckle.

On her blog, Laura "Screeching Harpy" Ingraham has daily polls and todays is "Should Nancy Pelosi have to testify under oath about what she knew of the interrogation techniques and when she knew it?" And naturally, 98% of the respondants said yes. But these are the same people who don't think it necessary to even have hearing on torture or who approved it in the last administration or who knew about it.

So, in other words, according to them, we NEED to find out when somebody who had nothing to do with torture knew about the torture and what they knew about it, BUT they don't think we should be doing any investigating into the torture itself or who may have done it?

Crazy. But well, that's the far right wingnuts for ya.

Also, in recent polls, 22% of the respondents said the Senate Republicans should filibuster whomever Obama appoints to the Supreme Court, no matter who it is or what they're political leanings may be. Well that just says they want to be obstructionist. And that just increases the perception of the Republicans as The Party Of No!

And, upwards of 86% of the repsondents said they thought Dick Cheney was the appropriate spokesman for the Republican Party. WTF?

Clearly, the listeners of Screeching Harpy are not anywhere NEAR representative of the country as a whole. In fact, I don't believe they're even representative of the majority of the Republican Party.

But anyone who listens to far right wingnut talk radio already knows that to be the case.



Tam said...

Hmmm. I'm oblivious to those people, which is probably a good thing.

We did have a protest here yesterday about it being the 40th anniversary of legal abortions in Canada. Riiight because we'd rather have back alley's and coat hangers celebrated. Seems a few elected politicans showed which disappoints me, but it shouldn't I suppose.

Anonymous said...

That is precisely why I don't watch network television nor listen to commercial radio.

But there seems to be a hardcore bat shit crazy base out there for the likes of Ingraham, Cheney and the Republican party.

It only numbers about a little less than a quarter of the population too. I'm surprised they get any media time or attention but then, all media is trying for a balance I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you can stand to listen to the right wing radio or TV. It just makes me furious. I have even locked out FOX news from my tv channels.
