Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shut up, shut up, don't want to hear it...

I have to wonder, who lit a fire under Darth Chaney's white, saggy ass?

For 8 years, we couldn't find him with GPS, a map, a compass, Sakagawa, and two shirpas, but since the beginning of the year, he's harder to get rid of than grass stains out of white silk pants. He's on TV more than that Vince Guy from Sham-Wow! Someone needs to remind him of who and what he really is: an EX-Vice President. In other words, nobody, with no power and no say so over anything.

Imagine, if you will, what the result would have been had Al Gore spoke out publically and repeatedly in the Spring and early summer of 2001, about how bad Bush's new policies were. My GOD, Laura Ingraham's vocal cords would have ruptured from all the screeching she would have been doing; O'Reilly would have sputtered around with such righteous indignation the view in his forehead might have exploded; Glenn Beck would have fallen even faster into the insanity and self-delusion he now is surrounded with and Boss Limbaugh...well, he would have just popped a few more bottles of oxy-cotin and went on with his meaningless, endless diatribes.

But can you imagine the outrage from the far right wingnuts if Al Gore had DARED even think about doing something like that?

Does anyone else long for the days when Bushie was stumbling through the English language spouting crazy irrational statements in front of the cameras and Darth Cheney was incommunicado at an 'undisclosed location'...and NOT the other way around?

POLT Listening to "You" by Radiohead

I don't care what my parents say. I've got to do what makes me happy. - Justin, Queer As Folk

1 comment:

Tam said...

Hey, Vince the ShamWow guy convinced my kid to blow $20 of her own money on the damn things. He's a force to be reckoned with. Dick? No clue, we don't hear about him up here. (Unless he shoots someone, that makes the news.)