Monday, May 18, 2009

Be my bad boy, be my man, be my weekend....

What I did this weekend.

Friday night, saw Star Trek again, will Mrs. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking. Got to be about 11:30 pm.

Saturday morning, somehow, pulled my fat ass outta bed at 5:40 in the freakin' morning (!!) cause I thought I was gonna get slammed at work with new clients. Only had 10. And managed to get done the thirteen other jobs I had to hand out to clients that day as well. Left work at 2:30-ish. Came home and took an hour nap.

Saturday evening, went to another 'reunion' of the ex-Borders employees. Got there at 6:00. This one had an addition the last one didn't: The Mighty Lee. He's an AWESOME guy that used to work at Borders with us. There was drinking, eating, Vanilla Bean Cheesecake, toasts, and much much laughter, and even more good times. Then, while everyone else went to a local bar to watch another ex-Border's employee play in his band, I went to Michelle's (my traveling companion to Toronto) house for a party for her brother's girlfriend Cara.

Cara is leaving for two months to study a lamprey eel in Washington State (and not mussels in Oregon as I have been telling people), so they were having a goodbye party for her. And what fun it was. Some of her friends were there, some of Michelle's son Jeremy's friends were there. The majority of the party, therefore, was made up of cute young guys under 25.

At the party, I bonded with a cute Hispanic girl Maria, and got to know her boyfriend Nathan better. I played a team drinking game with the 20 year olds, and my team won. I talked to Michelle's grandmother and partents, got several photos of cute young guys, drank wine in a box from a pyrex measuring cup, ate deviled eggs, wondered why Konrad and Kristy weren't there, checked out many a young man's ass, enjoyed watching the first Asian I've seen at one of Michelle's parties, gay my passport back, talked a very tall and stupid cute guy named Scott, discussed gay bars, co-ed toilets, gastro-intestinal problems, chili cook-offs, gay pride parades, my job, saw Jerey in his grey boxerbriefs, played with the dogs Josie and Spike, mocked some guy's 70's porno moustache, and oh, did I mention checked out the eye candy? It was a fun party.

Shortly after midnight, as the party had pretty much ended, I got a call and went to pick up The Mighty Lee as he was spending the nicht on my couch. We came back here and talked until after 2:00 in the morning before going to sleep.

He woke me at 8:30 cause he was going out for breakfast with one of the other Borders people. So he showered, I gave him directions, and when he left about 9:30, I went back to bed sleeping until about 11:30.

Then I showered, dressed, got a bucket of KFC and went to Bob, Don, & Janet's. They had made the meals all the other times I was there, so it was my turn to provide the food. And since I can't cook to save my soul, KFC was the next best thing. Although I DID forget dessert, but Don made a suh-weet bunt cake after we ate and we had that still hot, which was awesome!

Then today, Monday, I had to get up and go over help Mama Polt move a bunch of crap from the old garage she rented into the new garage she had built. Why anyone would want to keep all the crap she saved and decided NOT to put out to the trash or sell at a yard sell totally eludes me. But then I turn and look around my apartment and realize I could ask the same thing of myself, so whatever.

And THAT, my friends, is why I haven't been posting much over the last few days. but with these days out of the way, I should get back to my regular four or five posts a day posting.

POLT Listening to "Wicked Ways" by Garbage Oil: 59.26 (+2.79); Gas: 2.30 (+.04)

Daddy's gone across the ocean, leaving just a memory. Snapshot in the family album, Daddy, what else did you leave behind for me? What'd you leave behind for me? - Pink Floyd, Another Brick In The Wall, Part 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a pretty good weekend. I love the 20 something parties with cute boys. Yeah my kind of event which happens way to little.