Friday, November 13, 2009


Last week, Ghostie came by and helped me unpack all the remaining book filled boxes in the upstairs library (aka, the middle bedroom), get the comic books on their shelves and the books on their shelves. None of the books are really organized within their genres, but at least they're all on shelves. I had to break up a whole horde of boxes, shown below before I put them out to the trash.

Tonight, I went over to mom's for one of my favorite meals she makes: Hog maw. (I apologize in advance to the vegetarians and weak-stomached among you) I think I've mentioned this before, if so, bear with me. I don't know if this is a local meal or not, but I don't think it's terribly common the world around. Basically, you boil and dice some potatos, cook up some sausage meat (some people ruin it by including cabbage or other things. Not needed, meat and potatos is just right), and then you stuff it all in the hog maw.

Now when I started eating this, remember, I was just a wee Polt. I had no idea what hog maw was, which is a good thing, cause I probably would have refused to eat it. Hog maw is...well, literally pig's belly. Yeah, it's the stomach skin of a butchered hog, stuffed with taters and sausage, cooked in a casserole, brought out and sliced up and then eaten. Especially delicious is the skin itself. For any who aren't yet puking, I give you photos, to visually experience the deliciousness:

the Hog Maw fresh out of the oven and sliced:

Hog maw at the top, with baked apples and green beans:

My second helping, with some of the meat and taters pushed out to show the skin a bit better.

yummy, eh?
They've blocked Facebook at work (damn them all), and so I feel like I'm cut off from the contant, and addictive, contact with my online friends. So to rectify that, I've broken down and...yes, I'm shamed to say it, but...I've joined Twitter. *SIGH* Look me up if you haven't already. And what's worse, I'm now considering buying a...*groan* an iPhone or something. And this after having said numerous times, "I don't NEED one of those thing. Who needs all that extra crap? I just want my phone to be a phone!" Kinda like what I used to say about laptops. And cellphone ownership in general. And blogs.

May I recommend a tad bit less denying civil rights to others and a tad bit more time spent on trying to attain one's GED? That way you might actually gain some intelligence. Thanks.
-Having your profile say you're 35, and you are? Good.
-Having your profile say you're 5'7 and you are? No problem.
-Having your profile say you're 135 lbs, when you're actually 235 lbs? Could just be a typo.
-Having your profile say you're 6 inches, when you're nowhere NEAR that? Deceptive, lying and just plain WRONG!

Just sayin....
Oh and what would a Bits-N-Pieces be without a hot guy flexing in his boxerbriefs?

POLT Listening to "Invisible Sun" by The Police

"This is the worst thing you've ever done!" "You say that so much, it's lost it's meaning." - Homer, The Simpsons


Michelle M. said...

I'm sure it's delicious, but I'll take a pass on the hog maw.

I don't even have a cell phone - so I don't think I'll be joining you on the Twitter...

The marridge thing is hilarious.

Ray Avito said...

Hog Maw?! I had no idea anybody outside of the south ate that. Of course, we just had the hog maw with no fixin's. Just some hot sauce.

Tam said...

Well, I'm not totally grossed out by hog maw. I'm kind of thinking the inside looks yummy.

Yay you for getting rid of all those boxes. I am a box hoarder. I always think "I might need that box for something" so I put it in my basement. Of course I use SOME but never all the ones I have. My Mom helped me purge last week. My recycling pile was more like a small mountain. :-)

Is marridge anything like porridge? If so no wonder I'm not interested in doing it again.

Anonymous said...

It actually looks good, but no thanks!

We got rid of all our boxes via craigslist. I was amazed how fast they went.

That sign totally made me laugh :)

that's J-O-S-H said...

I alwayz talk about hog mawz and how derriciouz they are even though I've never eaten them.