Monday, November 16, 2009

You made my day, you came my way...

My day, so far.

Monday's are my day off, but I still got up early, about 8:30 (and that IS early for me on a day I don't have to get up!) got ready and got over to mom's. I had persuaded her to go with me shopping for Christmas decorations. I figured since I had a new house, I needed a new tree, not the same old 3 footer I had been using in the apartment for years.

So off we went, and I did get a 6 foot tree with the lights already on it. I was intending on getting the garland and ornaments as well...but really had no idea what I wanted. I thought perhaps purple, as the room I'm putting it in has purple rugs and a light lavender paint on the walls, but purple doesn't seem...Christmasy. Then I thought of red...but that's what we had when I was growing up, and what I had over at the apartment and I wanted something new. Thought maybe blue, but that's Hannukah colors, and I'm not Jewish. Thought silver but that seemed a bit...gauche. So I don't know. Probably just say fuck it and end up with purple.

So then we returned home, I got online for a bit, got the mail. Then I went to get new windshield wipers. The old ones streaked something fierce. SO I go into Advance Auto (or whatever it's called), the guy looks up the type of wipers I need and gets them for me. And as I'm paying, I asked him to put them on for me. He called this other guy from the back and he came out and put them on. And of COURSE I felt totally emasculated and worthless. I feel that way EVERY time something needs to be done on the car. I know how to drive it, put gas in it, and check, although not change, the oil. And that's it, can't do anything else. Including changing the wipers. oh I TRIED to do that before...what a fiasco that is. So now I just have them do it, and suffer through the embarrassment, shame and tearing of my self-esteem that ensues.

Following this, I ran the car through the car wash, and dropped off some checks at the Credit Union. Then I thought, "I'll stop by Hardee's and get a roast beef sandwich." And as I pulled in, who should be pulling out, but Mama Polt! She said she had just gotten two burger, buy one get one free, and wondered if I wanted one. But as I was jonesing for a roast beef, I declined.

I got the roast beef, brought it home, ate it. Finished the Torchwood book I was reading and started reading Snuff and then I got online and here I am. Yeah, I don't know how I can stand the excitement of my days either.

POLT Listening to "Reptile" by The Church

"What's your most common sexual position?" "....there's more than one?" - Emily, Kinsey


Tam said...

Windshield wipers are the worst to change. I'm pretty handy but I swear I almost impaled myself trying to change one once. And of course those guys make it look sooooo easy. I think it's a conspiracy to make us pay them to do simple stuff. So don't feel bad.

I would love to have a tree all silver and blue. Red, gold and green are classic. Purple and silver is pretty nice though. My decorations are mishmash traditional I've collected over the years. I do want to get a tree like yours though. I HATE putting lights on a tree.

Michelle M. said...

You got your tree already??!! We haven't had Thanksgiving yet. Plus, you already got your holiday cards. Now I am freaking out.


FunWithGrindr said...

I *hate* changing my wipers! :P I can do a lot with a car, but that's one thing that I can never seem to get to work. It's supposed to take all of five minutes, but ends up taking me, like, 20.

And I've heard a lot of good things about "Snuff" so I'm anxious to hear how it is.