Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm stressin', watching tv in my hotel suite...

So, on the same night I locked myself out of my house in the rain (and I remembered to take a photo of myself once I reached the car...soaking wet and unhappy), I also got piece of happiness in the mail: my packet from the Nielson company!

So for the next week, I'm a Nielsen family, deciding what everyone gets to watch, or something. All that really was inside was a TV diary and 5 crisp new one dollar bills for my trouble.

The thing is, it figures that this is not a normal week for me. Friday night, after work, I went to The ParisPekings for a meal and a movie, so I watched no tv. And Saturday after work, I went with Michelle to see Suessical in Hagerstown, so I wasn't home. Today, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking pulled me away from the football I normally watch to go eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. And tomorrow, I'm working for a co-worker, so I won't be home during the day on Monday with the tv on most of the day like I normally do. I hope the fact that I'm not watching as much tv as I normally do is a held against me. I mean, I want to do this again, I don't want to just do it once and then have them choose someone else!

But I had great times away from the tv. We had a home cooked meal at the ParisPekings, and then watched the new Star Trek movie on Blu-Ray on their large, flat screen HD tv. My GOD, it was I was in the theater...with the lights on, and no popcorn, and carpeting instead of sticky bare floor, no one talking behind me. Oh and before the movie, we watched the Smurf berries episode of South Park. Wasn't it awesome? I'm just a guy, asking questions...

And Suessical was a surprise, since it was a local amateur theather group. Most of them were kids or young adults, and they had fantastic voices! Michelle and I decided we'd go to more of the shows there.

And today, Buffalo Wild Wings...not my favorite place, I'm just not impressed with them. But hanging with ALCMDPP is always fun. And now I can't be up terribly late, cause I have to get up tomorrow to go to work, which sucks. But I'll enjoy it when the coworker I'm working for works a Saturday for me to make it up. Ssaturdays off without using vacation are always good.

POLT Listening to the Eagles-Bears football game

The arrival of children often means that sex will happne less often and in lower volumes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So do what we statistics and analytical folks know that everyone does. Lie.

Just put it what you WOULD have watched.