Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm hiding from the sun, waiting for a visitor...

Okay, so ‘V’. I’ve given it two episodes and I gotta say I am underwhelmed. The best things about it at Tyler’s stunning blue eyes, bangs that hand over them and his adorable smirk. Oh, and the black guy…ALL of him. Other than that….total yawnfest.

Seriously. Where’s the subversion? Where’s the gradual realization that things just aren’t what they seem? Where’s the thinly veiled analogies to the Jews in Nazi Germany? And where the hell is the awesome rising in intensity theme music, heard in all its awesomenessity right HERE, (or even the more militaristic theme from the Second Miniseries)?

I’ll also grant that both female leads, Erica and Anna are attractive, with Anna having the feel of a slimy sneaky side hidden just underneath her skin (no pun intended).

But in general, the characters, even the undoubtedly attractive ones, are totally unrealistic. They're actions make no sense to me. However, they DO seem all written entirely straight out of the Hollywood playbook. The dialogue, characters and situations are unoriginal (even for a remake) and the special effects so far have been lackluster and underused.

Some ridiculous situations so far:
1) Lady turns photo rightside up, a card falls out, boyfriend gives flimsy excuse about knowing him, lady never questions how it got there or how the photo was turned upside down
2) FBI Agent goes to scene of disappeared partner's car, and jumps inside grabbing her ID and gun left there...and nothing is said by any of the other agents about her disturbing a crime scene
3) big ship appears over the skies in NY, people running all over hither and yon in a panic, and yet somehow, mom makes it into downtown Manhattan, in an hour, and right up the cordons despite what would assumed to be a huge amount of traffic going both ways
3a) and somehow, once she reaches the cordons and 'sneaks' her way inside, just feet away from her, in the throng of bystanders, is her son.
3b) and man who was in downtown area somehow manages to get off the island to his girlfriend's place, despite all the presumed traffic
4) at super-secret resistance meeting, lady shown photo of guy, and she says guy is 'terrorist'. yet no one there flinches. her knowing that would kinda mean she has some sort of knowledge about terrorists, which usually are the authorities...and one wouldn't want the authorities at a top-secret resistance meeting
5) reporters 'bagdering' Anna and somehow, the Scott Wold character just happens to be at the front of the group...without his microphone present, tells the reporters to not be so mean to Anna...and they all shut up listen to him!
6) the visitors don't yet have diplomatic relations with USA, but somehow they managed to grab a large building in the prime real estate market of Manhattan and convert it into a 'base' or something for them all to hang out at.
7) after Tyler punches a protester, the other protestors hold the assaulted one back, instead of, like, all ganging up on him and beating the crap outta Tyler. Obviously, as they were presented, they were not 'civil disobedience' peaceful protestors.
8) an FBI supervisor finds one of his agents lied to him about the disappearance of her partner, and was in fact at the scene of his disappearance, and doesnt discipline fact, allows her to carry on as if nothing's happened.

I really wanted this series to work. I was really hoping they'd do justice to and improve upon the original V's. It's clear to me now they're not. I will however continue to watch the show, just to see if it stumbles on as is, maybe somehow inproves, or shows more of the black guy in his underwear. Or possibly shows Tyler as such.



Anonymous said...

Would it help if I told you Erica has also played Supergirl? eh...probably not ;)

I can't totally disagree with you about your comments. I'm still excited to see it develop. I think they had to jump into things faster because they needed to get the new audience into the show.

Your list is almost exactly like the things I noticed as well. The picture thing was totally stupid!

FunWithGrindr said...

Chaz is totally loving "V". But he's never seen the original, so he's really enjoying the straightforward fight-the-bad-guy storyline -- unaware, of course, of the more subversive nature of the original miniseries. But after so many shows that have this underlying puzzle behind them (Heroes, Lost, etc.), I have to admit it's nice to have a show where I don't have to constantly think and can just watch for the fun of watching.

Though it's definitely not like the original, I'm not sure that it can be, since we all already know the V's are lizards in disguise and aren't the "peaceful" folk they claim -- unlike the shocking reveal in the original series that held everyone in a collective gasp.