Sunday, November 01, 2009


Today is obviously a Sunday, which means no work. It also was the time change, which means there's an extra hour in the evening. And we all know how I LOVE sleeping in, so what time did I get up this morning? 6:30am. WTF???? I KNOW! I don't know what happened. Well, I kinda do, I had this shooting pain in my left ankle up my shin. Not all the time, just like when I turned my ankle a certain way, and that's what woke me up. And I thought I had done something to it, maybe I wouldn't be able to walk on it. So I got up and tried, and had no problem. But every so often, it would flare up again, for seemingly no reason. So I went to the bathroom, took two Advil, and the pain went away. Course, by then, I was already wide awake, and there was no going back to sleep. I don't know how that happened, I have problems getting up before 7:15 on days i have to work, but when I don't, I'm up at 6:30. Sheesh!
Mom's in the Pocanos for the week, for a much deserved vacation. So while she's gone, the responsibility for Angel's care falls to me and a neighbor lady, Mary Lou. Now, I've taken care of my parent's dogs for over twenty years. Mary Lou's helped out for at least three years. She used to have dogs, but they're both dead now, and she loves Angel.

But this year, there are...instructions. Mom made a schedule up and after consulting both of us, assigned us each times to take Angel out. She also has these rules for giving Angel the pill she needs to take (in a batch of Little Caesers dog food, or with peanut butter and then we have to give her a pupperoni and a bisquit). AND, when we refill her dogfood bowl, no longer is it just putting the good in the bowl. No, there's like four different things we have to give her with the dogfood. To make it easy on us, mom made up baggies with all the extra stuff in them, so all we have to do is add the food and what's in the baggies. Sheesh! When she goes on vacation, she spends more time making plans for the dog and she does for herself! Don't believe me? Here's a photo of the food packages:

Note the yellow postit notes she's put on each one, just to make sure we don't get anything confused!
Last night, I went to get Chinese for supper. They said it would be 15 minutes, so I went to K-Mart (don't judge me, it was in the same strip mall as the Chinese place, its not like I regularly go there), and as I wandered around, I discovered the clearance racks. And there, I found a treasure trove! I got a shortcake scented candle (yummy), four glasses, and new earbuds! You may remember how I still can't locate my old ones after the move. Well, now I don't have to. And best of all.....they're PURPLE! Have a look-see!

I've mentioned some of this week's new home purchases. Naturally, I have photos!

The new washer, that I'm using for the first time today:

The new dryer, that I'm using for the first time even as I type this:

The new vacuum cleaner, and yes, it's still in the box, and yes, I chose it because I liked the photo of the adorable doggie on the side:

And the new stand next to the couch:

The old stand I had was way too short, this one, as you can see, is about even with the arms of the a sofa. It's a much better fit, since I usually store the laptop there when not in use.
And just for good measure, I show you a magazine cover.

Try not to drool on your computer screen, please.

POLT Listening to the Giants - Eagles football game

Jerry Falwell is the Taliban without the bloodlust. - Roger Rosenblatt


Anonymous said...

I'm moving past wired headphones.

Just got a pair of Motorola Motorokr S9 earphones. They work well enough indoors but suck outdoors. I figured out what it was.

It's interference from the 9 zillion items out there that run in the 2.4GHz band including wi-fi, cordless phones, baby monitors and even microwave ovens.

But indoors they work fine.

I wrote Motorola and told them that in the future, build 512Kb of memory into the things and buffer about 20 seconds worth of audio so the dropouts won't be obvious.

Sure it'll require a total redesign but hey, I gave it to them for free.

Michelle M. said...

1)That boy's pants are falling down.
2)You have nice ears.
3)6:30 - what a bummer!

hoteltuesday said...

I need new headphones! Mine broke off, in my ear!
And I can see that dude's p33n btw.

Polt said...

um, Enrickyricardo, you can see that dude's p33n, as well as many other parts of his luscious body, true...but that's kinda the whole point in putting the photo up there, ya know? nowadays. What are they teaching you boys in Fundamentals Of Gay 101??? :)


FunWithGrindr said...

Woohoo! No more cardboard box next to your couch! lol

And having met Mama Polt, I can totally see her doing that for you and Mary Lou (and Angel, of course). :)

And, wait -- no Ryan Reynolds mentioned on the DNA cover?! WTF? Zac Efron gets called out, but Ryan doesn't?! I think I may have to write a stern letter to the editor...

dave491 said...

Oops. That last comment should've been tagged different. :P Hit "enter" too fast! LOL

that's J-O-S-H said...

Why aren't "Enrico Bruno" and "Josh Page" listed on the Sexiest Man Alive magazine cover? That guy is desperate! Boo! Hatez. Him.