Monday, November 02, 2009

My mind's grinding like a steel gear, baby...

I may have mentioned some of this before, so bear with me a bit. When Dave S. and I went to NYC a few weekends ago we took the train. While we waited in Harrisburg to leave, Dave S. got on his iPhone and was checking some things out. He showed me one app called Grindr. It's an app where guys can post a photo of themselves and a little bit of information and it shows how far away each guy is from one's iPhone, and if both sides want they can talk to each other. Basically, it's a gay hookup thing.

So anyway, we would look at quite a few of the photos, sighing at the hot ones, laughing at the stupid ones. And by us doing so, Dave S. came up with an idea for another blog: he'd capture the hot ones and the silly ones and put them on the blog and leave some comments with them. Well, he's set it all up. It's at Stop by and check it out. It made me laugh. And when you do, tell him Polt sentcha!

POLT Listening to "Country House" by Blur

The more people come out, the less it will be an issue. - Martina Navratilova


FunWithGrindr said...

Thanks for the mention, Polt!!! :)

Polt said...

Well, i hope it increases your visit. You want a...spike (no pun intende) in your visits? You need to mention this on Puntabulous! :)


FunWithGrindr said...

I emailed Craig about it, since I'll be using my FunWithGrindr link rather than the Spike300 link in the comments section there. I also wanted his feedback. :)

Michelle M. said...

Because Dave S. doesn't have enough projects going on : ).